Chapter 17

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Xavier was no where to be found. I had been searching for hours, with no sigh of him.

"What about the stables?" Drago suggested.

"That is a good idea. Let's go." I said, jumping to the next roof, heading for the stables, where we had left our horses. When I got there I saw that Xavier's horse was gone. Mine and V's were still there. I took my horse, mounting it. I headed for home, hoping that I would find him on the way or that he would be at home.

I didn't find him on the way. I prayed that he would be at the Villa. When I got to the stables outside of Monteriggioni, I saw that Xavier's horse was in the stables. I handed my horse to the stable boy, taking off toward the Villa. I pushed the door open, it banged against the wall, loudly.

"Xavier!" I called.

Claudia came down the stairs, glaring at me.

"You could of put a hole in the wall, Ezio." She said, coming all the way down the stairs.

"Claudia! Where is Xavier?" I asked, startling her.

She glared at me before, pointing up the stairs to his room.

"In his room! Pass out! He came home completely drunk. What is going on?" She said, crossing her arms, continuing to glare at me.

I didn't anwser, just ran past her up the stairs.

"Ezio!" She called after me.

"Not now!" I growled.

I went to Xavier's room, opening the door, I peered inside. At first I couldn't find Xavier. His room was a mess clothes everywhere. As well as weapons. A pile of clothes on the floor moved, a groan came from it. I lifted some of the clothes, laying there was Xavier. Passed out like Claudia had said.

"Porco (Pig)." Drago said. glaring down at him.

I chuckled, walking over to the deck beside the door, where Xavier had a bowl of water. So that he could wash in the morning. I grinned, picking it up, turning back to Xavier.

"Maybe he needs to wash up." Drago said, startimg to laugh.

I dumped the bowl onto his head. He jumped up, gasping for breath.

"" Drago said, between laughes.

I started laughing as well. Xavier turned to look at me. He saw that I was still holding the bowl.

"You are so dead!" He growled, coming at me. I threw the bowl at his head before making a run for it. I ran into Mario's room, standing beside his bed as Xavier came running in. His hair dripping wet. I tried to contain my laughter. Drago flew into the room still laughing, not flying straight. He crashed into  Mario's bed. I chuckled. Xavier was glaring at me.

"What happened?" Mario asked, glaring at us, confused.

"He dumped a bowl of filthy water on me." He said pointing at me.

"You are grown men. Stop acting like children!" Mario said, glaring at us.

If looks could kill.

"What happened with Dasani?" He asked.

The smile fell from my face. Xavier looked down in shame.

"What?" Mario asked, sounding worried.

"Xavier killed Dasani before we could question him." I said, glaring over at him.

"Why would you do that?" Mario asked, shocked.

"Because he is an idiota." Drago said.

"I lost my temper."

"If I killed everyone that made me lose me temper, both you and Ezio would be dead."

"He told us that my parents were not my birth parents. He also said that Ezio is my half brother."

Mario looked at us, shock and confuse all over his face.

"It's not true. Right?" I asked, starting to get worried.

Father would never do this to Mother. He loved her.

"Mario?" Xavier asked, when Mario didn't answer right away. He looked at us both before opening his mouth to answer.


oooooooooooo...... cheater....... hehe. Well actually it's not funny, no one deserves to be cheated on, it's terrible and low. If you're going to cheat on someone, you don't deserve them. Life leasons right here people. But in this case, are you really shocked Ezio and Xavier are brothers? I mean, they're so alike, immature and ladies men.

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