Chapter 21

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A/N This chapter will be in Drago's P.O.V. Also above is a pic of Vera only she has golden tips.

I flew out the door before the guard could close it, flying up toward the Chandler, looking for V and Fenice. I found Fenice slowly dancing on the Chandler, smiling I flew over to her. She was beautiful with her bright wings and beautiful golden eyes.

"Ehi bella." I say, landing.

"What do you want Drago?" She groans, glaring at me.

"Do you know where V is?" I ask, smiling at her.

"He should be over there." She said, pointing across the roon.

"He's not." I say.

"What?!" She shouted, flying over to where she was pointing.

"Where is he? He should be here." Fenice says, starting to panic.

"Maybe he is with Piscay. Ezio is." I said, trying to calm her down.

"We have to find Xavier." Fenice says, flying over to the dance floor. We find Xavier dancing with a girl.

"What are we going to do? He can't hear us." I say.

Fenice flies over to Xavier, landing on his shoulder, stiffening, he looks over at his shoulder.

"Fenice you are scaring him." I say, landing on his other shoulder.

"Will you excuse me." He says to the girl, walking away fast.

"Fenice? Drago?" He asks. I poke his ear. He jumps, startled.

"Who is scaring him now." Fenice says, chuckling.

"Look there is a study." I say, ignoring her comment.

She flies up, placing her wings on either side if Xavier's head, turning his head to the study.

"You want me to go in there?" He asks. I poke his ear again.

"Will you stop doing that!" He growled, knocking me off his shoulder. I flew up before I hit the ground, glaring at him, I landed on his shoulder again. Fenice was laughing so hard she had to hold onto Xavier, so that she won't fall off.

"Sta 'zitto!" (shut up) I growl, glaring at her.

Xavier walked into the study. I flew over to the table, landing on a piece of paper. I dip one of my talons into the ink and write a quick message, telling him want was going on.

"Ezio is alone with Piscary?" He asked, panicking.

V might be with him. I write.

"No, I saw Ezio leave with a woman. We have to go help him it could be a trap."

Diritto. (Right.) Let's go. Burn this first.

"Bene. (Okay.)" He says, picking up the page and throwing it in the fireplace, lighting it. He headed out of the study. Fenice and I quickly fly after him, landing on his shoulder. He heads back to the ballroom.

"So what door?" He asks, looking around.

Fenice flies over to his head again, turning it so that he was facing the door with a guard standing in front of it.

"Bene. (Okay) How do I get past the guard?" Xavier asks.

"Stay here." I say to Fenice.

I fly over to the guard, landing on his shoulder. He stiffens, looking at his shoulder scared. I poke his ear. He jumps, chuckling I fly to his other shoulder, poking his ear again. He jumps again. I run one of my talons along his cheek. He screamed, running away, laughing I gesture to Fenice that it is all clear. Xavier quickly walks over to the door, opening it. Fenice and I fly in after him. We can hear swords clashing and screams of pain. Xavier runs to the other door, Fenice and I right behind him. He tries to open the door but it is locked. He walks back a bit before turning around and kicking the door open. It flies inward, hitting a guard. Xavier picks up a sword and runs to help Ezio. I flew over to a guard that was about to attack Ezio from behind. I clawed at his face, also spitting fire, screaming he falls to the ground. I turn around going for another guard. His fate was the same as the last one. Fenice was also attacking the guards, clawing at the face.

Wow. She is scary and beautiful.

It doesn't take us long to kill all the guards. Smiling I fly over to Ezio.

"Did you see me? I was amazing." I say, landing in his shoulder. "But Fenice was extraordinary." I continue, smiling at her. She snorts, glaring at me.

"Where is V?" Xavier asks Ezio.

"Isn't he in the ballroom?" He asks.

"No, we thought he might be here with you." I said.

"No, it was just me and Vera...VERA! We have to save her." He says, heading for a door.

"Who is Vera?" Xavier asks, going after him.

"The woman I was with. Piscary and a man named Julian Teicher took her. I fear if we do not hurry they will do terrible things to her." He says, heading out of the door.

"Ezio is going to be so angry when he finds out." Fenice says, flying after him.

"Finds out what?" I ask, flying after her.

"You'll see." She says.

A/N Sorry that it took me awhile to update. I had writers block and I was focused on my other stories. Let me know what you think.

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