Chapter 2

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Remington POV

This chapter might have moments some readers might find triggering.

I got woken up by a loud smash. I jolted up from where I was lying and instantly regretted my decision because of the pounding headache I was welcomed with.

I groaned and got up from the small sofa that sat in the living room, not even remembering how I got there let alone coming home, whatever I drank last night was strong because my mind is just one big blur.

I walked towards the kitchen where the smash came from with my eyes half closed and looked for the source of the noise. When my eyes adjusted, I saw my little brother Emerson standing with his back turned to me. "What the fuck Emerson you gave me a heart attack?" I said to him, thankful it wasn't some fucked up demon in my kitchen and was just my stupid baby brother. I signed in relief but then realised Emerson didn't answer me back.

I took a step closer to him "Emerson didn't you hear me, what are you playing at" I said putting one of my hands on his shoulder that's when I noticed he was shaking. "Emerson....." I said, my voice was becoming shaky. I stepped in front of him so I could see his face standing on a bit of the glass I could feel it crack under my shoe.

He was looking down at the glass, tears running down his face. I kept one of my hands on his shoulder and I used the other to move his head softy up so he was looking at me.

"Emmy?" I could hear the fear in my voice, I took a deep breath to try calm myself down.

He made eye contact with me, his face was drained of all emotion.

"The glass is so sharp Remmy" he finally spoke up looking back down at the floor, I did the same looking at the small shards of glass on the floor, some catching the light from the window making it shine like stars in the night sky.

I snapped my head back up after I realised what Emerson was thinking "No Emerson it isn't worth it come on lets go back to bed" I tried to move him but for a 14 year old he's strong when he wants to be "Emerson please" I said in a soft tone. I could feel the fear running through my veins. Sebastian might think I'm a drunk dickhead and he's not wrong but when it comes to Emerson my full mood can do a 360.

Out of everyone he can make me feel fear, there was one other person but we won't go into that.

Emerson looked up at me and a single tear runs down his pale cheek "Please Rem I want this, I need this" his voice was so calm and I could feel my breathing becoming heavy, please not a panic attack not now my baby brother needs me.

I could feel my chest closing and my vision going blurry, he's going to kill himself and I can't move I'm froze, my baby brother is going to kill himself at my feet.

My mind was screaming just then the front door opened and I heard a voice shout mine and my brother's names.

Sebastian's home.

Sebastian POV

I got sent home because my boss said I looked like I was about to pass out and he doesn't want that happening in his work place, how charming. I was so angry with myself, I needed that money to buy dinner for tonight because god knows when mom will be back.

I put my key in the door and opened it to be welcomed with silence. "That's odd" I muttered under my breath but just then I heard Emerson's voice coming from the kitchen. I made my way to the kitchen to hear "Please Rem I want this, I need this" with that I ran into the kitchen and saw both my brothers standing in what looked like glass.

I quickly grabbed Emerson and pulled him into my chest causing him to kick and scream "NO YOU BASTERD I WANT TO DIE" he screamed at the top of his lungs, I just held onto him tighter and dragged him into the living room away from the smashed object on the ground giving Remington a look as I did so. How could he be so useless just standing there, I honestly think he doesn't care sometimes if I didn't get sent home Emerson could be dead right now and all he can do is watch.

I pushed Emerson onto the sofa and pinned him by the shoulders, sitting on his legs. "You need to calm down Emmy, the glass is gone please take deep breaths" I started taking deep breaths hoping he would copy and lucky for me it worked, he started taking deep breaths and soon enough I could feel in relax from underneath me.

I can't believe that Remington was just standing there watching. Honestly sometimes I think he doesn't care about anyone but himself, he can be so selfish all he cares about his drugs and getting so drunk he can't walk.

What would have happened if I didn't get sent home....? would Emerson be dead? No Sebastian you can't think like that he's okay, he's safe.

I picked Emerson up bridal style, he's calmed down from screaming to softly crying. I kick the door open to my door and softly place him onto my bed before kissing him on the forehead "Sleep, I'll be back soon I promise". He nodded his head and I quietly walked out my room and back to the kitchen ready to give Remington a piece of my mind, I'm so angry at him right now but when I finally stepped into the kitchen again, he was nowhere to be seen.

I let out a loud sign and went to the cupboard and found the brush, I need to clean this glass away before Emerson gets triggered again but I can't help but think where did that dickhead that I call a brother go this time.

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