Chapter 3

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Daniel's POV

*Possible trigger moments*

I started the walk home from a long day at work, lucky for me the walk wasn't too bad and the weather was actually warm so I felt at peace with the world. I took a deep breath in of the beautiful fresh air letting my head wonder but I was quickly interprets by a text message.

I pulled my phone out my jeans pocket to see the message was from Sebastian.

Hi beautiful I'm so sorry but I don't think I can make it to your house today, I got sent home from fucking work and Remington is missing. I'm fine so don't worry. I love you , Sebastian x.

I signed and put my phone back in my pocket, the walk seemed to become dull now after reading that message. I honestly worry about Sebastian, so much it might be unhealthy.

 I feel in love him from the moment I saw him in the small coffee shop he works in. He was beautiful, welcoming smile and a jawline that could cut diamonds. If only I knew behind those's beautiful blue eyes lied so much pain and hurt.

 I can feel him slipping away from me every second or every day. Each day he seems more fed up with life and I don't blame him, if I had his role in life I think I would have ended the pain ages ago. 

That's why I look up to Sebastian, he has a strong heart but he will break over time I can tell, every time I see him he's lost even more weight, is even more pale and looks like he doesn't even know what sleep is anymore. It hurts seeing the man you love like this, so broken. 

Remington doesn't help the case. I know he's young and he wants to live a little but drugs and boozing 24/7 really isn't going to do him any good. He randomly goes missing for days on end cause Sebastian to worry all night and day and not sleep or eat, I've had to calm Sebastian down over the phone so many times due to panic attacks cause he had no idea where his reckless little brother was to then have Remington walk into the house hours later not giving a fuck about the emotional pain he has caused.

 I feel someone else isn't quite right about that boy but I've never been brave enough to ask, worried i would hurt a someone or bring back a passed memory that would rather be forgotten. Sebastian was already funny about me finding out about Emerson and at that I feel like I still don't know the full story because Sebastian broke down trying to explain it last time. 

All i know is all three boys have had a dark past of some sorts, if Sebastian wants to open up to me one day i'll happily sit and listen.

I finally made it to my small apartment, made my way through the door and took of my shoes before falling onto the sofa and letting out a long loud breath of air. 

I wish i could just hold Sebastian in my airs right now and take all his pains and worries away but every minute that goes by that just seems harder and harder to do. 

Remingtion's POV

I collapsed against the large Oak tree in the local park near my house, tears running down my face. I brought my knees to my chest and cried so hard my chest hurt and i couldn't breath without choking.

I can't believe Emerson was seconds from killing himself and i froze, it was like the world had me by the neck and all i could do was watch and suffer.  As much as i was thankful Sebastian walked in when he did the words he screamed at me buzzed around my head causing a headache. I can't believe he thinks i would let Emerson hurt himself in purpose, i know I'm a dick but i still have feeling and Emerson means the world to me, they both do....even if i don't show it.

I stood up, feeling my knees shake from beneath me. i held onto the tree for some support till i could finally calm down my breathing. 

Soon the tears stopped and i could finally get a breath without my lungs burning. I took my phone out my pocket to see multiple miss calls and texts from Sebastian. As much as i wanted to message him back and tell him i was fine i could bring myself to do it, i didn't want to get screamed at again and if i went home i would see Emerson and i can't face him right now. 

I decided to delete all the messages still whilst they were unread so the guilt wouldn't eat at me later. I went through mu contacts and a familiar name came into view and i hit call. 

"Thought you would never call sweet cheeks" the female voice spoke, i could already hear the flirtiness in her voice.

I rolled my eyes at her nickname not really in the mood "I'm not in the mood Val" i said in a harsh tone. Val was a girl i meant in high school, she was quite a bit older than me and as soon as she caught eyes with me i knew she had a thing for me. She was also part of the "wrong crowd" as Sebastian called it and to be fair he wasn't wrong, she was the one that got me to try drugs for the first time and when she left school i got worse cause we would just take them in her house instead. I would flirt time to time and we have made out before but i kept myself grounded when it came to sex, I'm still a virgin which nobody believes and even though i have been close I've never done it with a person, Val was desperate to be my first .   

"Oh you are a grumpy baby today, how about you come up here and i'll help calm you down" and with that i hung up and started walking to her house not really caring what shit she gave me to put into my body as long as the pictures in my head went away. 

I'm so sorry this took so long to get out I've been really busy with work and boring human things but I am back and i hope to keep this story as updated as possible x 

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