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marlene, dorcas, lily, james, sirius,
remus, alice, frank

Sirius: i have a cool idea..
Lily: what idea ?
Sirius: we could go on a roadtrip
James: omg yes it would be so much fun
Marlene: i'm in
Dorcas: me too omg we can take so many pictures!!
Remus : I'm in
Alice : Me and Frank would love to go
Lily : omg hell yes I'm going.
Sirius: ok so when do we go ?
James : how bout tommorow?
Lily : fine
Marlene : ok
Dorcas : yes
Alice : yep
Frank: I can't wait
Sirius : ok see ya tommorow then.
James : me and Sirius are taking our bus and one car
Marlene : I can't wait i'm so excited :)))

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