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"I like the summer rain

I like the sounds you make

We put the world away

We get so disconnected

You are my getaway

You are my favourite place

We put the world away

Yeah we're so disconnected."

I strummed softly on my un-tuned guitar, trying to pass time. I was soon bored, and had nothing to do, so I got on Twitter. The tweet at the top of my timeline read '@michael5sos: 'The girl next door sounds really good, her guitar is a bit out of tune, should I help?' I felt butterflies in my stomach when I realized that girl Michael was talking about, could've possibly been me. I stood up and walked to my balcony and looked across the yard to the next door neighbour's house. The first thing I saw was the flaming red locks on Michael's head. I found yourself covering my mouth with my left hand as I turned and slowly walked back into my room. I jumped up and down and walked back out on the balcony, bringing my guitar with me. I pretended to tune it, getting frustrated when it wouldn't work. I silently told myself that if he came over, I wouldn't freak out. I strummed again and tried to tune it. "Fuck!" I mumbled under my breath. I heard the grass crunching below my balcony, and the red locks were slightly visible. "I heard you playing earlier, and thought yo needed help tuning." He said when his feet touched the balcony floor. "Uh, yeah." I said, handing him my guitar.

He began strumming and tuning and was finished in a matter of about 30 seconds. "Thanks." I said as he handed me the guitar. I strummed the perfectly tuned guitar and began strumming a song.

"I like the summer rain, I like the sounds you make. We put the world away, we get so disconnected." I sang as I strummed. "You took the time out of your life, to learn how to play that song?" Michael asked. "Yeah, is that a problem?" I asked. "No! No. The boys and I really appreciate what you guys do!" He said. "Yeah." I said, my cheeks flushing a sunset pink color.

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