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"What happened?" Michael asked, reaching for my swollen eye. "My dad." I said. "Oh, that's not right." He said. I was on the verge of tears when Michael connected his lips to mine. He pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. I let one of the tears drop and it ran down to my lips, but Michael wiped it away. I pulled away. "My dad's not home now, you can come in if you want." I said, walking into my room, michael trailing behind. Michael grabbed my hand and pulled me around to face him. "I-I can't." He said, dropping his had to his side and looking down. "W-why?" I asked looking at him furrowing my eyebrows together in curiosity. "I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to hang out with you, my friends don't like it." He said. I looked down and picked at my fingernails. "Oh, okay." I said, the familiar burning sensation started in my throat as I choked. "I'm sorry, just look at me please?" He asked, pulling my chin up. The tears threatened to fall from my eyes but I choked them back. "It's fine, go be with your friends." I said, pulling a fake smile, which I did many times before. "I'm sorry." He mouthed before jumping off the balcony. I quietly shut the door and slid to the floor and cried.
I wiped my tear-stained cheeks and pushed myself off the floor. I walked to the door and stepped into the cold hallway. I walked toward the bathroom and opened the drawer. The familiar shining objects stared back at me. I closed the door and locked it and slid down with a blade in my hand. I pressed the cold metal to my wrist and gently slid it across my wrist. I repeated this one to five more times.. I cleaned up the bloody mess I had made before walking into the kitchen and looking at the clock.
3:42 a.m.
I rubbed my eyes and walked back to my room. I plopped down on my bed and dug around in my nightstand drawers. I found my pack of cigarettes and I opened it. I lit a match and held it to the tip of the killing machine for a couple of seconds. I put the match out and blew out a puff of smoke. This is how I relieved my stress. Well that and cutting.

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