i. BOOM!

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"RUN! RUN SHES COMING!" CATO SCREAMED BEFORE PUSHING MARVEL TO THE GROUND. Marvel hit the soft grass with a grunt, his cheek lay engraved in the green mush, "Cato- Cato get off of me!" He stood up quickly to get out of the older boys' grasp, Cato chuckled as rolled onto the cracked sidewalk, they were playing 'Hide Then Kill', a well known game between the friend group. At the moment, Glimmer was the killer and Clove was her partner, Marvel and Cato were the victims. Honestly, it wasn't a great time to be playing such a morbid game, there was a murderer on the loose, Marvel insisted they should wait until they've been caught, but of course the group denied quickly.

"No no no no! that's cheating! fuck you guys!" Cato crossed him arms and glared at Glimmer, "It's not actually! you're just a baby!" Glimmer smiled as Cato stomped towards her. "Woah! Cato it's fine, We'll get them next time" Marvel held his arm out in front of Cato's chest, he smirked reassuringly, hoping to get Cato's tantrum under control. "Fine, you better watch out you- you cheating fuckers!" Clove tilted her head back in laughter, Glimmer gripped her wrist and dragged her down the sidewalk so they'd have a head start. Cato put his hands on Marvel's shoulders, "Marvel, we have to win this round or I swear on my Nikes I'll jump out my window!" sweat ran down both their faces, it was summer, summer of 84 to be exact, they always played this game at 9-10pm, it was almost curfew. "We will, trust me" Marvel cupped his hands around his mouth to signal the girls they were ready. "Ready or not, here we come!"

Cato turned in the opposite direction Marvel was going, Cato then turned around and yanked his wrist so he'd come the way he was, they heard snickering and chuckles coming from bushes, Cato was so on guard he could probably pass as a military soldier or something, it was kind of scary. "I swear to god if I hear one more giggle-" Cato said before he was cut off by Glimmer, running so fast you could only see the blur of her clothes. "She's too fast for us, I'm about to quit" Marvel said before Cato gasped and whipped around to chase after her. Clove then jumped from a nearby bush and pushed Marvel into a silver pick up truck, "The victims can win too! new rule!" Clove yelled before forming her hand as if it was holding a knife, and punched him in the stomach. "Cato was right! you are cheaters!" Marvel said, breathless on the warm road. "God- what did they do to you, Comic?" Cato said as he held his hand out for Marvel to grab, Comic was Cato's nickname for Marvel, since he had the same name as a huge comic book series in all. "The murderer is killed! girls win!" Glimmer said in a theatrical booming voice as Clove jumped to give her a high-five, Cato collapsed onto the ground in defeat and lay face down on the now cold road.

The group walked home with scratches, bumps, bruises and best of all, smiles on their faces. It was like this almost everyday, especially in the summer, and Marvel couldn't ask for a better routine. Cato wrapped his arm around Marvel's shoulder as they walked into the moons shadow, Marvel had always felt weird around Cato, not in a 'please get the hell off of me, creep!' type of weird. More like a 'i feel like if i spend more time with you, i accidentally will fall in love with you' type of weird, he didn't even know why he thought those things, Cato probably didn't even like boys. He knew Cato has had a crush on Clove for years now, it has to suck for both of them because he also knows Clove has a hopeless crush on Glimmer, what a ride! no news about Glimmer though. "Whatcha thinkin' about, Comic?" Cato's voice interrupted Marvel's thoughts, "Nothing really, same old things" Marvel tried to smile, Cato breathed through his nose in laughter, making Marvel smile for real.

707 words
really short chapter but it's a good start i think!
wayyyy better chapters to come! <3

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