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READ PLEASE : this chapter takes place 2 days after the previous chapter.




We still don't know if something bad did happen to Remus. The only thing we know is that he's alive. i was up all night worrying about him. i don't think anyone really got any sleep lest night. i stand up and head to the common room where everyone was sitting. Sirius and Lily were talking quietly in a corner.  Sirius' looked worse then he did last night. his hair was mess sticking up in every direction, clearly not brushed, his eyes were bloodshot and had large bags under them. i was worried for him, he hadn't eaten or slept ever sense Remus went missing. Remus suddenly going missing was really hard on all of us but is was rather obviously that it hit Sirius much harder then it did us.  he really couldn't keep this up. We've all tried to get him to eat but he just wont. 

Bing! my phone going off pulled me out of my thoughts. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. it was a dm from Remus. i wonder why he was texting me and not Sirius. 



moony: hey

prongs: hi

moony: we need to talk...

prongs: i agree

moony: meet me by the lake?

prongs: yeah, ill head there

moony: okay

moony: bring the squad

prongs: all of them?

moony: yeah

prongs: okay


This was great. Remus was going to tell us what happened. I put my phone back in my pocket. 

"guys, Remus just texted me." i announced.

Everyone looked at me. Sirius looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't get the words out.

"what did he say."  Lily asked.

"he wants to meet us outside by the lake." I said.

"all of us?" Sirius asked


All of us stood up and starting heading to the portrait hole. 




I was scared, would if Sirius was still upset about me ditching our date? would if he couldn't forgive me? I could see them all walking over the hill. as they get closer i realize they all look tired and worried. i wish i could've stopped this from happening. i wish i could of told what happened sooner. well if i'm wishing for things i wish it never happened. i stand up and face them as they come to a stop in front of me. 

"hi." i said looking at the ground. 

"hey, um.. What happened? are you okay?" Lily asks he voice calm and reassuring.

"i'm fine. maybe we should sit down before i say what happened." i respond 

they all take a seat from where they we're standing, silently, and look at me expectantly. 

"umm.. so last night when i was walking with Mark to the gryffindor common room and some slytherin's approached us. i thought they were just gonna say some rude things and let us go. but they didn't," i gulped and looked back down at the ground, "they said something to Mark, i didn't hear what it was, then next thing i know they are on top of Mark, hitting him. I tried to stop it but then they started hitting me. i didn't know what to do. i just lost it. i don't really know what happened next but i started fighting back and got them to stop hitting Mark. then Mcgonagall came around the corner and one of them hit me with a spell next thing i know i'm in the hospital wing."

silence, fills the space. i look up at them and they all are staring at me, looking sad. finally James says something.

"is Mark okay?"

"he's alive. he's in the hospital wing, madam pomfrey says she'll fix him up but it'll take awhile." i respond, thinking of poor Mark.

"why didn't you tell us earlier?" Dorcas asks

"McGonagall asked me not to. She said she didn't want anyone else knowing about until we clear it up and figure out what happened," i say, turning my attention to Sirius "i'm sorry i wanted to tell you earlier but i couldn't."

Sirius kept looking in my eyes, "as long as your fine, it's okay."

"on a similar note, Mark now knows my secret." i say to everyone 

"how'd he take that news?" James asked

"pretty well, actually." i say 

the bell goes off in the distance and i suddenly remember that it's Monday and unlike me they have to get to class.

"you guys should probably go back to class." i say standing up

"yeah, i have test next hour that i have to do." Marlene says.

"crap, so do i. " Alice says 

They all stand up and start walking back to wards the castle. all of them except for Sirius who stays standing, looking at me. 

"are you really okay?" he asked. 

i don't know how he does it but he can always sense when something is wrong with me. 

"yes." i lie, hoping if i say it enough times it'll become true.

"your lying."

"i'm not."

"i can tell when you lie, Rem, you get this crinkle in between your eyes."

well, he's got me there.

"okay, so i'm not fine." i admit

"so what really happened?" he asks

"well, we really were attacked by slytherin's. but Mark and the slytherin's both say that when i starting attacking them my eyes turned yellow. you know what that means." 

"Remus, it's okay. it doesn't mean anything."

"i could've killed them. i think i was going to. i could feel it. i was just so angry." i say tears finally spilling out of my eyes.

"but you didn't, you stopped."

"i don't think i would've if McGonagall hadn't been there. Sirius, i'm scared. that's never happened to me before. would if its taking over me? would've i'm slowly becoming more and more wolfy?"

"you aren't don't worry. i'd never let that happen."

"would if it happened? what would you do?"

"i dont need to think about that because it'll never happen. Remus, you're prefect the way you are and dont forget that."

"thank you, Sirius, you're the best." 

Sirius did make me feel better but i don't know it's till in the back of me head. would if it was true? 


A/N: i worked really hard to make sure i got this chapter out today and i hope you all enjoy it. and remember to wish Remus a happy birthday

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