Scent Test

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I blinked and looked around curiously.

I was in a cardboard box with blankets stuffed within it. Interesting and rich smells wafted in from the outside of my box and I becsme curious as to where I was. I shuffled around and snuffled through the blankets curiously as none of these were ever in my crate. I managed to bump into something firm with my nose wrapped in the blankets. I leaned forward and grabbed it with my teeth and gently pulled it out and placed it in front of me passing my tongue over my lips.

It turned out to be a green folder from the lab. Crap, this was probably a test then. I cocked my head and placed my paw on the front of it lightly then used my nose to push it open. I glanced at the papers inside of it. I carefully dragged one out and set it on top of the folder. Thankfully, Marcus had gone through as many words as possible to help me with comprehension of else I wouldn't ever be able to read it.

Number 0X13

I grimaced as the naming confirming that it wasn't Marcus who was in charge here. He always put my papers down as 'Amani.' None of the other scientists ever used my name because I was just an experiment- honestly at two months old, I'd already outlived their expectations for my lifespan.

Now, they weren't cruel. If they were, they could mess up their experiment (me) and ruin their progress. There was even a group of scientists that doted on me (I really liked the one named Alyssa), but most of them were absolutely okay with hitting me for things. I was an object, something to be observed for their own benefit.

It made me sad, but that was life. I was just lucky they let me live after I proved not only to be living longer than previously expected, but being more independent than they typically liked of subjects. I returned my attention to the letter.

This will be a test of your tracking skill. You should have above average skills in seeking someone out. Even greater than that of a true canine. We have left you many hidden objects throughout the woods you are required to hunt down. If you cannot return my sunset, we will retrieve you can label the test a failure.

We moved you to an unfamilar forest and you have been drugged. When you awaken, begin the test immediately.

There was no signature. Of course not, I didn't deserve to make the names of all the scientists. Most didn't even bother to introduce themselves to the useless project that would die in weeks. I sighed and looked over the paper one last time. I straightened up and thumped my tail once in frustration with an agitated growl.

I finally stood and leapt out of the box. I glanced around the vibrant green forest. A few leaves had fallen or been shaken down by squirrels. The tree coverage was still fairly thick though so I was difficult to see the sky. Despite this, I got the sense it was mid-day. That was usually when I woke up anyway. I decided to get to work and began to sniff the ground.

Instantly I flinched.

The tags on my collar jangled loudly in response to my sudden movement. I crouched and waited for my headache to leave as the forest temporarily overwhelmed my senses. Clearly the improvement to my sense of smell had happened while I was sedatated. The new information made my head hurt and my vision lurched.

I sighed a little wishing they'd at least told me they were going to do this ahead of time but I wasn't allowed to know that either. After a few minutes my nose calmed down and I gave some gentle sniffs to the air around me rather than just sticking my nose in the dirt. My senses were still a little startled by all of the new information but slowly I was adjusting. I shook out my fur and started walking.

I walked as quietly as I could but it just wasn't working. My collar betrayed my every movement, the tags upon it jingling with my every step. It made me nervous, I was probably attracting the attention of every animal in the forest. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact it was probably all of the hawks and eagles and large dogs that heard me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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