Part Four

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Chidi sank down on a bench in front of one of the many frozen yogurt shops in the neighborhood. He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened earlier and couldn't stop worrying about Eleanor.

He hadn't meant to frighten her, just make her feel better.

Which reminded him, why was she crying in the first place? He wanted to ask, or would that be too inappropriate? She was his superior, so did that mean he had to keep a professional relationship with the architect or treat her like one of his friends? This whole situation was eating the Professor alive.


He looked up, smiling as he saw Tahani, a happy distraction from his own thoughts.

"May I sit with you? I have something I would really like to discuss."

"Oh! Yes, of course!" He scooted over, placing his hands on his lap as he watched the taller girl take a seat beside her, "I just wanted to make sure you were alright after yesterday's ideal. Eleanor didn't mean anything she said to you, she's just...." The girl sighed, "How shall I put it? You see, she's just very sensitive nowadays."

"Oh, well I didn't mean to make her upset...."

"Oh, gracious no! You have done nothing at all, darling. She hates when other people see her cry, Chidi. She's lost someone who she truly loved, and that hurt her more than anything." The cappuccino-skinned girl smiled and took hold of his hand, "He was the only one she truly let herself be vulnerable around. It broke her in two."

The Professor nodded in understanding and let her hand go, 'That must be awful, Tahani. I can't imagine how hard that must be for her."

"It took her ages to open up to me, Chidi. She's my truest friend and I hate seeing her hurt like this, I truly do. So, please do not take offense by her actions."

"You really are a great friend of hers." He confessed, "I wish I had someone who cares about me the way you two care about each other."

The aristocrat bit her lower lip, wishing she could tell him the truth. How he did have someone that cared about him, but sadly, she could not. Instead, the woman just waved goodbye and headed away.

Chidi stared at the spot where his new friend had just left, smiling to himself. A image of Eleanor flashed inside his mind, and she was laughing obnoxiously. He was confused, however because he had never noticed that side of her before. She seemed very closed off here and yet... what was that? It couldn't be a memory, as he had never met the girl before.

But then he thought about that laugh of hers and couldn't help but smile wider. He got up off the bench and went home, having a sudden desire to go visit the blonde. He couldn't go empty handed though now, could he? So, he made her breakfast. Just a single box of cereal and a shrimp cocktail that he asked Janet for. The not-girl had seemed curious at the request (as she knew that Chidi wasn't a big fan of shellfish) and tried to suppress her surprise. Waving a quick goodbye, Janet popped away and re-appeared in "Eleanor's" office. The young woman had her feet propped up on her desk and was dressed fairly lazily.

"Hey, babe." She greeted, "What's wrong?" The girl rose out of her seat and took a stand in front of the not a robot, not a girl.

Without answering, Janet merely lifted her hand and Eleanor was shocked to see that she was now wearing a lovely pink spaghetti-strap dress with white water lilies all over the skirt. The top was lacier, and although she adored the dress, she was very confused. Her hair was straightened and held back in a magenta headband, and she was wearing black ballet flats, "What's going on?"

There was a sudden knock at the door and instantly Eleanor understood, "Janet." She scolded, forcing the brunette to meet her eyes.

There was another knock, "Eleanor? Are you there?"

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