Part Five

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Tahani ended up inviting the entire neighborhood to the cookout, and after endless prodding, the brunette finally allowed Eleanor to cook dinner. The aristocrat was hoping for something on the sophisticated side but was let down at the sight of freshly made hot dogs.

"Darling, why would you cook something like that?"

"It's a cookout, babe. We're supposed to be making food like this. You don't have to worry, though, alright? I've been making these for years, it's an Eleanor Shellstrop delicacy."

"Well, they don't look burnt..."

Tahani set out a picnic blanket on her front lawn and waited patiently along with the other guests for the food to be finished.

"Oh, I'm actually veg—"

"No sweat, I have vegan hot dogs over on this side, along with vegan buns." Eleanor said to one of the worried residents, "I'm not used to making those, so hopefully they're good."

At the sound of her worried tone, the brunette ran to her best friend's side, "Well, if you're so worried it's not too late to call the chef..."

"I told you, I got this. Now sit down like a good little princess and wait your turn." She ordered, "You worry too much."

"Oh, I think I worry at the right amount in this situation, darling."

"Seriously, chill. I told you, I've been doing this for years. I'm practically a genius when it comes to grillin'."

"Yeah, why don't you have a little faith in her, Tahani?" A male voice piped up, "These look amazing Eleanor. I'm sure they'll taste just as good as they smell."

"Oh... Chidi." The blonde said, "Um, you surprised me there, bud."

"I did? Oh, my goodness. I am so sorry, Eleanor that was not my intention at all."

"It's fine." She assured, even though it was anything but fine. The one man she truly let herself be vulnerable in front of, the one man who she trusted more than anyone, the one man who she truly loved didn't remember her.

Eleanor let out a sad sigh and turned back to the grill, slowly setting the dogs on separate plates (vegans on one, meat on another). Flashing a smile to the crowd, she gestured for everyone to help themselves while she waited for everyone else to grab theirs.

One thing Eleanor had learned from Tahani's parties was that the hostess always received their food last. It was common courtesy, apparently to do that at at parties.

"I hope I made enough." She mumbled to herself, watching as everyone grabbed their paper plates (to Tahani's disgust). She wasn't used to finger foods and held her own nervously while trying to make sure not to get any of the condiments on her frock.

Everyone took a bite, and the blonde waited nervously for feedback. A young dark-skinned girl was the first to speak up, "These are amazing, Eleanor!"

Jason, meanwhile, was staring down at the meal trying to fight that stupid smile of his and gave the blonde his nod of approval.

"Yeah, you're an amazing cook, why haven't I ever seen you doing this before?" Chidi asked, scooting closer to the blonde and accidentally taking hold of her hand in the process. She smiled up at him, "Um... thanks. I mean, I have been alive for a while now and I do have such a fascination with humans I guess I must've picked up a thing or two."

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