forgive me

51 1 3

(Eid has added Jane,James,Kylie,Kyle to the group)

Eid: welcome everyone :)

James: what the fuck what's happening?

Kylie: what's going on who are you guys

Jane: yeah what they said

Kyle: ?

Eid: hello everyone my name is Eid and I will be your game host for this evening

Jane : ok Eid? What's going on

Eid: clever girl, well I will tell you what's going on but you guys have to introduce yourself first

James: why the fuck do we have to do that?

Eid: so your components no who you are

Kylie: components?

Eid: yes dear, you guys will be asked a question if you get it wrong I will tell everyone in this chat something horrible you did and then you will choose a game to play

Jane: what if we fail the game too?

Eid: you will see :)

James: this is fucked up

Eid: don't make me mad now introduce yourselves now!

James: your fucked up

Kyle: James whoever you are can you stop pls

Kylie: yes pls stop

Jane: My name is Jane Esther I'm 18

Eid: good my darling now every one else!

Kyle: my name is Kyle Millgan I'm 17

Kylie: my name is Kylie Murphy I'm 17

James: fuck it. My name is James Guilligan I'm 19

Eid: good, good now the first question

Kyle: ok? What is it?

James: this is stupid

Kylie: James stop!

James: whatever

Jane: uhh stop  your shit

Eid: okay first strike everyone!!
Back to the question Kyle
What has two feet and can fly but can only hop?

Kyle: uhh? A?

Eid: 5 seconds left

Jane: OMG hurry

Kyle: A? Bird?

Eid: correct Kyle good job

Kylie: OMG  I'm having an anxiety attack

Eid: don't die just yet it wasnt even your turn

Jane: OMG!

James: are you done already sicko

Eid: almost but not yet :)

Eid: now James it's your turn

James: fuck of

Eid okay then you've bee. Such a bastard all this time I won't give you a question Ill just give you a game then

James: try me!

Kylie: James your such an idiot

Jane: why do you have to be so stubborn James gaud

Eid: okay the game is Simon says ok it's easy but if you don't do it you get a consequence and get what's in the end and I have to tell everyone here your horrible secret

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