it was right there

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(Kae started a chat with Nei)

Kae: Nei you awake?

Nei: yeah now

Kae: sorry to wake you up

Nei: it's okay what did you want?

Kae: ohh yeah when I was sleeping i heard a noise outside my window and when I took a look I saw eyes staring at me!

Nei: bro maybe it's just stick it leaves maybe your imagination is playing with you?

Kae: I guess so but mahn it felt like it was real eyes

Nei: bro it's nothing just go back to sleep pls I'm tired you should be too, it's still like 2:30 am just go back to sleep pls

Kae: ok I'll try

Nei: good now good night

Kae: good night thanks
30 minutes ago


Nei: bro what?

Kae: I said the eyes are back and there real I saw it left my window or like something!

Nei: bro go hide, run to your parents and tell them bro!! Hurry Kae!!

Kae: ok ok

Nei: Kae? Bro you there? Kae?

Kae: I'm here. My parents aren't home I think there still at work?!

Nei: ok ok, now hide I guess you have no other option pls Kae hide

Kae: ok I'm hiding

Nei: where are you hiding Kae?!

Kae: I'm hiding in my parents closet

Nei: ok just stay there callt the cops now call them

Kae: okay they said there coming soon

Nei: okay just stay there make sure to be quiet ok

Kae: okay Nei

Nei: good I'll be there soon too

Kae: no what the hell!!

Nei: why?

Kae: what if it's an actually lunatic I don't want you to get killed pls Nei don't come pls

Nei: it's okay I'll be there with the police it'll be okay

Kae: come on Nei

Nei: bro I'm not gonna sit here and wait until the police come I'll be there that's what bff's are for

Kae: okay pls be careful pls
20 minutes ago

Kae: Nei where are you? I thought you would be here with the police there already here where are you?

Kae: Nei it's not funny where are you?

Kae: Nei?

Nei: I'm sorry Nei won't be here with us anymore

Kae: what the hell Nei don't play around where are you?

Nei: she won't be with us anymore!!

Kae: what the hell, is this a freaking sick joke Nei?

Nei: you don't believe me

Kae: what the hell you mean

Nei: see for yourself

Nei sent a photo

Kae: what the hell! You sick bastard!! Why did you do this to her?? You fucking bitch you monster!!

Nei: it's your fault you let her come

Kae: your fucking going to jail for this!!

Nei: no I won't :)

Nei block Kae

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