08 | The Problem with Spying

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THE PROBLEM WITH SPYING was that you had to be really good at it, or really good at lying. Unfortunately, Brie wasn't particularly good at either.

She pulled her hood further over her forehead and slumped in her seat.  She eyed the table across the room, but when she thought that he was looking her way, she averted her attention.  Because everyone knew you had to be aloof and mysterious when on a reconnaissance mission, and this mission was of the utmost importance.

Brie never thought she would be that person, but there she was, being that person.

"What the hell are you doing, Brie?"

Brie jumped, and she let out a gasp as her heart pounded.  Erica rounded the table and sat opposite her, blocking Brie's view of the other table.  She crossed her arms.


The only thing worse than getting caught by Erica would be getting caught by Emerson, so she was thankful that the universe had spared her that particular form of misery, but she wasn't all that thrilled about being caught in the first place.

"Hey! You're blocking my view!"

"Your view of what?" Erica glanced over her shoulder and then turned back to Brie. "Again, what are you doing?  You look like a brooding serial killer stalking her prey."

"Emerson is on a date." When Brie's words garnered no reaction, she added, "With a girl."

Erica gasped over-dramatically, clutching her chest.  "Oh my, we need to alert the Prime Minister immediately!  The world is about to end!"

Brie glared.  "Has anyone ever told you that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit?"

Erica chuckled and then raised a brow. "So, you're...what? Playing secret bodyguard?"

"No," Brie huffed. "I'm just keeping an eye on them. Emerson's never been on a date before, so I'm just trying to look out for him. From a distance."

"Oh, sure." Erica took a sip of her coffee and glanced behind her, trying to get a good look at the unsuspecting couple.  "How do you even know it's a date?  They look like they're just studying."

To the untrained observer, it did look as if Emerson and this girl were studying, but Brie had insider information. 

"I ran into Jax and–"

"Please tell me this run-in did not involve a bed," Erica begged.

Ever since Brie fell back into bed with Sav and narrowly escaped contracting chlamydia, Erica did everything in her power to bring it up any chance she got, especially when the conversation involved her old fuck buddy.

Brie huffed.  "No, it did not, ye of little faith.  I was looking for Emerson and Jax answered the door.  He told me that Em was on a date."

"Sure, he said it was a date, but is it really a date, Brie? Are we really going to trust Jax Daniels about that?" she asked.  "And a better question: why do you care if it is?"

Brie did not like Erica's line of questioning.

She groaned.  "Jax said he asked her out and everything.  Emerson can be pretty charming when he wants to be."

"Are we talking about the same Emerson here?"  Erica raised a brow.  "You know, the socially awkward one?"

"He's not socially awkward," Brie defended.  "He's just private, and shy, and I just don't want that bit– I just don't want that girl to hurt him."

"I sense some jealousy, Miss Reinhardt," Erica teased.  "Now what could you possibly have against Mary Jane?"

"Now is not the time to debate weed, Erica.  We have a crisis on our hands."

Erica held up a finger.  "First of all, you have a crisis.  I have no part in this.  And second of all, that's her name.  Mary Jane Hopkins.  She's in my children's literature class, and she's the sweetest girl I've ever met."

The girl could be made of pure glucose, for all Brie cared.  Just as long as she kept her hands off of Emerson.  And trust her, she knew how crazy she sounded, but her best friend was one of a kind and he required the right kind of girl to be his person.  And Mary Jane Hopkins was not that girl.

"You love him," Erica stated.

Brie rolled her eyes, because duh.  "Of course I do, Erica.  He's my best friend. Excuse me for wanting to make sure he doesn't get hurt."

"No, Brie, it's not just that. You're in love with him," she repeated.  "As in, you see him as more than just a friend. Way more than just a friend."

Brie's heart began to pound because fuck, was Erica right?  Had this been her problem all along?

"No," she insisted.  "No, no, no.  I can't.  He's...Emerson."

Erica wiggled her dark brows.  (Brie was slightly jealous of Erica's brows, as they were shapely and pronounced, while hers were strawberry blonde and almost nonexistent.)  "Yeah, he's Emerson, and you're in love with him."

Between Zack's advice at the wedding and Erica's insistence, Brie had to wonder if there was some truth to this.  Was she in love with Emerson? If so, how could everyone around her see this except her? And Emerson.

She had never been in love before.  Sure, she had liked people enough to date them, but she had never found her person.  She had liked Savannah, but she hadn't loved her, that much she knew.

Was this what love felt like?

It probably would explain the irrational jealousy she felt every time she looked at Mary Jane's face as she smiled at Emerson with her beautiful big green eyes. She really was gorgeous, and Brie was sure that she was genuinely just as nice as Erica claimed. But she couldn't bring herself to not hate her.

"How do I know for sure?" Brie asked.

Erica laughed.  "Oh, honey.  You never know for sure.  It's just a feeling you have. You just have to trust yourself, B."

That was almost laughable to Brie, whose whole life could be epitomized by the words: winging it. How could she trust herself when the only solid decision she had ever made was going into nursing? Everything else in her life was based on spontaneity and pleasure, which was why she often found herself in her ex's bed, sans clothing.

"Easier said than done, dude."

Brie wanted to be the type of person who trusted their gut. She wanted to be the type of person to take a leap of faith like that. But in that sense, Brie was simply a coward.

Erica grinned. "Judging by your jealousy — and the fact that I'm a master at reading people — I'm going to go ahead and say that you're definitely in love with him."

Brie pouted. The last thing she wanted to do was admit that Erica was right, but she was starting to think that maybe there was some truth to Erica's words of wisdom.

"Okay," Brie acquiesced, "let's say that's true... What am I supposed to do? Tell him?"

Erica shrugged. "That's up to you, babe."

Brie's eyes drew back to Emerson. He was smiling, amused about something that Mary Jane said.

Her heart ached. Yes, okay, she loved him. But did he love her?

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