Epilogue | The Problem with Babies

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THE PROBLEM WITH BABIES was that they never stopped crying.

At least, that had been Brie's experience for the past six months. Leave it to Owen to be the only baby in the world that never tired of filling his lungs and attempting to break all the glasses in the house like some kind of Opera superstar.

Since the beginning of the school year, Brie had even resorted to staying with Emerson in his apartment in order to get some semblance of sleep. Sleep was paramount when she was spending multiple days at the hospital, doing her nursing placement in the maternity ward.

Don't worry, the irony was not lost on her.

However, this particular night was different. Instead of Brie sneaking out of the house at midnight and quietly getting into Emerson's car, tonight it was Isla that was leaving the house in the middle of the night.

Brie had been shaken awake by her mother, whose face was tight with tension and full of apology. "Sorry to wake you, love, but can you keep an ear out for Owen?" She had held a baby monitor out to Brie, who had grasped it with her eyes half open. "Joe's mother has taken a tumble, and it's a bit touch and go, so we're headed to the hospital. I just fed the baby half an hour ago, so he shouldn't wake up for a few hours."

Brie had sleepily nodded and laid her head on her pillow, tucking the baby monitor against her chest. She had registered the faint click of the front door as the lock had turned, and she had then begun to drift back to sleep.

A piercing wail had then shattered the silence, causing Brie to jump halfway out of her skin as the monitor had been so close to her face.

Half an hour later, Brie still had her brother in her arms, trying to coax him into falling asleep. His cries had quieted some, but he was still loud enough that Brie was sure the neighbours could hear him. At this point, she was also on the verge of tears, ready to just give up and have a good cry herself.

She checked her phone. It was only half past midnight - Emerson was probably still up. Never before had she been so thankful for his night owl tendencies.

BRIE: u up? <3

A moment later, a response rolled in.

EMMY: ...

EMMY: Is this one of those "booty calls" you told me about? Am I supposed to respond with some kind of innuendo?

BRIE: tempting but not tonight. please come over. I'm on baby duty and I'm stresssssed. :(

EMMY: On my way.

About twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the front door. Brie laid Owen back in his crib, wincing as his wails grew louder. She rushed out of his room and made for the door, checking through the peephole to be sure it was her boyfriend and not some axe murderer.

"I come bearing gifts," Emerson said in lieu of a greeting, producing a package of McNuggets from behind his back as he stepped inside.

"I fucking love you," Brie replied, one hand taking the nuggets - her favourite stress snack - as she leant in to place a quick kiss on his lips. "Thank you for saving me. Or at least sharing in my sleepless misery."

"Well, I couldn't let you be miserable alone. What kind of boyfriend would I be then?"

Brie locked the door as Emerson took off his shoes, and then he followed her as she trudged down the hallway to Aunt Kate's old room, which now belonged to Owen.

Inside his room, the couple peered over the edge of Owen's crib, examining him as he continued to cry. Brie could feel her frustration kick in again as she watched her brother bawl, feeling helpless. He was dry and fed, she had been rocking and holding him, and rubbing his back, all to no avail.

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