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ANNIE LEBLANC BOUNCED DOWN the hallway joyfully, dragging Mackenzie along with her. "Isn't this exciting? We're going to make a new friend!" Annie beamed, squeezing Kenzie's hand tightly.

"What makes you think he even wants to be our friend Annie?" Mackenzie giggled, "After a whole twenty minutes of hearing you go on and on about how you couldn't get out of the bathroom this morning because it was 'literally impossible' after what you ate?"

Annie gasped in pretend disbelief, "Ouch! You think he wouldn't want to be friends with me after just that? Really?". Mackenzie let out a small laugh, putting her finger to her chin as if she was thinking.

Kenzie thought for a moment, "Ah, you know what you're right Annie. It wasn't just that, it was also the next fifteen minutes where you ranted about how you want a girlfriend but you don't want your boyfriend to be mad and leave you but you still want a girlfriend because girls are pretty but you're straight."

"Fuck off." Annie pouted, "No! I bet he does want to be our friend Kenzie, I bet he wants to be, our best friends."

Annie really did want to befriend the Johnny and his sister, she thought from the moment she had met them that they were all just destined to be friends. Like they were "friend soulmates", and of course, what Annie wants, Annie gets. So she was for a fact, going to make sure they all became the best of friends.

Mackenzie looked at her friend with a small smile, "Okay, we'll talk to them. He seems like a cool dude anyway, and it wouldn't hurt to make more friends."

And just as Mackenzie finished those last few words, she heard a high pitched voice yell her name from across the whole hallway. "Shit Kenz, it's Ally. We might want to go the other way." Annie recommended, seeing the girl her bestfriend had left hanging the other night.

Mackenzie rolled her eyes, "Please, i don't need to hide from nobody." Shaking her head as the girl stomped angrily towards her.

"Why haven't you called me? Or shit Kenz, why haven't you even Texted!" Ally said sadly, her eyes gleaming with a hint of hurt.

"I never said i would." Kenzie shrugged, not even a tiny feeling of remorse. This was how it usually went, the people she did things with, never meant shit to her, and if they began to, then they were instantly cut off. "We're nothing, Ally. You know this. So honestly, I don't have to do anything for you."

Ally looked at Mackenzie, her face twisting into anger instead of hurt. "Fuck you Ziegler."

"Sorry that you couldn't."

authors note !
only took me a year oops

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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