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Ness ran out the evac chopper, he heard king dede yell out for him but he bolted back to his friends room to grab their medication before the evac took off. He heard one of those THINGS outside and his shaking hands grabed the medication and stuffed it into his backpack, slinging it clumsily over his shoulder and running for the evac.

Lucas avoided one of the infected and ran into the evac hotel, he slammed the door and started running up the 30 flights of stairs, hearing someone else running up them as well as panting and two others complaining, he heard some other doors being opened and slammed as well as faint paniced yells, there was also someone that sounded very upset, lucas shook his head and kept running, jumping up two steps at a time.

Mario dragged peach through the 14th floor to the stairs, hearing a door slam below had made him panic, as if watching your own brother get bitten and dragged away from you as a horde blocked you path wasn't enough already, Peach hadn't seemed to upset, as she was more focused on saving them as she had been the one to forceful push mario ahead before he could even attempt to save luigi, when they got the the stairs mario started crying, knowing he could've saved luigi and that now they were so close they may have been able to joke about like good old times, but hearing other doors slamming and more people running up the stairs, as well as someone panting made him run, peach was ahead a few floors up aready.

Daisy wacked a zombies head off, she had fought her way through the horde to save luigi, she wasn't going to even think about leaving him behind, she crushed a zombies head and ran down an alley, seeing blood going up the wall. Daisy franticaly looked around. "LUIGI!?" called daisy, she wasn't going to give up on him, not if she died in the process. She heard a strange yell and looked back, a mutated zombie was charging at her, she put her amrs up to block and waited to be hit, something made the charging zombie yell in pain, there was also growling, daisy looked in front of her, luigi was on all fours growling at the other zombie, he leapt at it and started clawing its head, killing it by ripping its head clean off, daisy looked at him, wide eyed and slightly scared, luigi looked at her, his hat was covering his eyes and he now had claws, luigi looked around before walking on all fours over to daisy and looking at her, he pointed at the evac. Daisy nodded no and hugged him "I am not leaving you, i thought i lost you and im never loosing you again!"

Ridely and Samarus ran up those damn stairs, ridely was panting but samarus refused to leave him behind so she would pull him every now and again, someone was ahead of them but they hoped it was another survivor, when the crying started up they ran even faster, not wanting to encounter another crying lady that, thankfully, didn't notice them. Ridely started running a bit faster, Samarus ran after him once she knew they were close to the evac.

Bowser laughed and he killed a bunch of the infected, he slammed a door behind him and rammed his way through another horde, burning some with fire and starting an actual fire in one of the rooms but he didin't notice, laughing at the entire situation, he heard other people running up the stairs above him and started running up them as well, yeah it was fun killing zombies but he knew they would eventually over power him and he would either be torn apart or infected like the others, he picked up his pace and kept running up the stairs, not wanting to be left behind.

Ness ran out the the evac, followed by two other survivors, then two more, a smaller survivor ran out followed but a bigger turtle, ness looked around, he already knew the situation they all found themselves in, the evac had left, and now they were on a burning building thanks to a certain turtle, everyone looked at each other, all remaining quiet, until one of them spoke

"so, uhhhhhh, im Samarus and this is Ridely, What are your guys names?" said Samarus

"Mario, my names mario" said mario, ness noticed he was upset, so he must have been the one crying on the stairs

"my names peach" said peach, ness nodded

"l-lucas" stuttered lucas

"bowser" laughed bowser

"im ness" said ness

They all went quiet, lucas looked around

"hey- we uhhhh gotta get out this burning building"

"and get torn to shreds?" asked peach

"would you rather get burned alive and then get torn to shreds?" asked bowser

"im very much alright" said ness, putting his hands up in front of him

mario looked at the door "wait, peach were is daisy?"

peach sighed "went after luigi, why?"


Everyone looked at them confused

"who?" asked samarus

Mario grabbed the nearby axe and ran down the stairs, ness got his bat out his bag and ran after

"wait! you can't go alone!" yelled ness, trying to catch up the mario

Samarus grabbed two pistols and ran after them, ridely ran after her, his claws would be good enough. Lucas got a pistol, not actually knowing how to shoot it, and ran after them, bowser dragged peach with them, knowing she could be a good sacrafice if it came to that.

Luigi ran down an alley and looked back, daisy smiled and gave him a thumbs up, they ran to a building and luigi went through a window, daisy went after him and they ran through it, onto a back street, luigi ran into a shop and grabbed a hoodie, he put it on, tearing it in places and pulling the hood over his hat and eyes, daisy looted a military officers corpse, that tried to bite her until luigi tore its head clean off, and she got its AK and some ammo, as well and some armour to keep her safe from the zombies, they ran out, luigi ran as someone tried to shoot him, daisy looked at them, mario ran over, daisy looked around and saw luigi scatter up a building and onto the roof, she growled and shot at samarus, making ridely try to grab hr, ness and lucas quickely stopped the fight. Mario looked at daisy

"never disappear again! I can't loose someone else!" said a very uspet mario

"I was fine, got as good gun and well, i did" daisy death glared samarus" have a team mate"

"who? that leaper was quiet close to you" said peach

"leaper?"asked lucas

"well they leap at you and leap around so you know, leaper"

"i call them hunters, ye know, becuase they stalk you and then attack when you least expect it" said bowser

ness sighed "can we focus on naming the things that what to murder us later?!"

Daisy sighed "now i gotta make sure he's not hurt and find him again"

Ness and lucas ran to a building and checked it, lucas leaned out "WE GOT A SAFE PALCE FOR THE NIGHT!"

Everyone went in and set up their places to sleep, daisy and neses both said they'd stay up for the night, everyone fell asleep, lucas hugged ness and dozed off, while Ridely curled around Samarus as they slept, Ness sighed.

"who was the hunter?" asked ness

"luigi, he saved me from a charging zombie" said daisy

Ness nodded."do you think he'll trust us?"

"maybe, not sure"

They both went quiet.

(A/N! Yes i made luigi a special infected, im using him as an example of the 'protect your favorite survivor' option in the forms, anyway! See ya later!)

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