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Ness woke everyone up, he and daisy were tired but it was better then being dead or infected. Lucas groaned and tried to push ness away, mario got up and looked around, bowser looked at ness with the look but did get up eventually, ridely and samarus woke up with not hesitation and peach huffed. Daisy grabbed some supplies and a medkit that was on the table, she opened the door and left, ness got a sub machine gun and put it and his bat in his bag, he picked up lucas and ran after her, making lucas squeek, mario got up, grabbed a shotgun and ran after them, bowser dragged peach with them, ridely and samarus closed the door and followed after. Daisy lead them down a fee back alleys and to the outskirts of town, after they voted on either trying the other evac or getting the hell out of the city, and most the group voted to leave. Daisy heard a charger and shot it immediately

"CHARGER!" Yelled daisy

"What?" Asked ness

"Oh, thats the zombie i was telling you about"


"Guys i hear a hunter!" Yelled mario, slightly in fear

Ness put lucas down and got his sub machine gun ready, lucas stayed close to ness, they kept going, killing hordes of zombies in the process. Lucas walked out of a tent with a Molotov, he put it on his side and they kept running, ridely growled and grabbed something, everyone looked at him, it was a tongue. Lucas looked up, he pointed

"What is that?" Asked lucas

"No clue" said peach

Ridely yelped, samarus and mario were helping him, ness ran over, he hit the tongue

"MARIO! CUT THE TONGUE!" Yelled lucas

Mario got out his axe, bowser and daisy helped samarus, he cut the tongue, ridely fell forward as everyone moved out the way, lucas shot, the recoil making him stumble back a bit, daisy watched the zombie explode into smoke.

"Nice shot" said daisy

"T-thanks" said lucas rubbing the back of his head

"I thought they were called smokers?" Said samarus

"Smokers?" Asked bowser

"Yeah, thats what the millitary called them"

Ridely was rolling in the dirt as he was covered in the saliva and it made him uncomfortable, once he was done they kept moving. They travelled to the main road. Lucas looked around, mario looked up

"its nearly midday guys" said mario

"and its really hot" complained peach, fanning herself with her hand

"why don't you get over it and focus on whats at hand" said daisy

Ridely and Samarus looked at each other and shrugged, daisy heard farmiliar growling and looked around, she stood still and put her hand up.

"guns down guys" said daisy

Ness and Lucas looked at eachother confused but shrugged, Ness put his sub machine gun away in his backpack, lucas put his pistols in his pockets, ridely and samarus sighed and Samarus looked at daisy, mario put his gun away. Peach looked at bowser and rolled her eyes. Daisy looked around

"great, peach put that damn pistol away, you can't shoot straight anyway" said daisy

Samarus and Ness started snickering and wheezing, lucas giggled. Peach huffed and put the pistol away, luigis hood slightly peeked out from the alley. Mario looked at him, luigi looked back, two other hunters looked out, one was younger then the other him and the other. Daisy leaned forward a bit and looked at them, ridely growled at them, one in a white and light blue hoodie growled and got infront ot of the two. Luigi looked at them and pushed them with his head a bit and walked over to daisy, the younger one stayed by the other hunter. Ridely and the hunter kept growling at each other. Samarus patted ridelys shoulder

"bud stop it, they ain't gonna leap..... hopefully" said samarus

Ness sighed, ridely stopped growling, luigi sat next to daisy and looked at the other two, Daisy smiled and looked at everyone. "this is luigi, he is my team mate before someone shot at him and made him run off"

Samarus rubbed the back of her helemet "my fault, sorry"

Mario looked at luigi, luigi slightly stayed behind daisy's legs, peach was staring at him

"OH! so he's so special now! Of course HE becomes on of those special infected"

Peach crossed her amrs and pouted, mario looked at her

"peach! really! NOW your acting like you wanted him dead!"

Ness sighed and face palmed, Daisy was rubbing luigi's head and he was purring, both were blocking out the entire agruement. Lucas looked next to him and saw the other two hunters sat next to him, he tilted his head, the one in the white and blue hoodie looked at him, they had a floof of light brown hair over a side of their face. Lucas smiled at them, they sniffed him and looked at the scene. Ridely was holding mario while samarus had her gun aimed at peach, Ness and bowser were their talking about something to do with voting to kick peach from the group. The one in the white and light blue hoodie looked around before making a cat like noise at luigi and the other hunter, they all ran. The group all took it as a sign and bolted for cover. They heard a screech and lucas looked at ness, ness shrugged, they ran into a building and slammed the safe house door shut behind them.

"never, ever yell that loud in the streets ever again" panted daisy

"we can't keep drawing attention to ourselves like that" panted samarus

Ridely put mario down and curled up in the corner, ness leant on the wall and pulled his cap over his eyes, he fell asleep, lucas walked over to  mario and patted his back

"least he's alive?" muttered lucas

"y-yeah, and not trying to rip us apart" mumbled mario

lucas smiled and patted his back and sat in the corner next to ness, mario sat down and looked at the door, samarus sat down next to ridely, he wrapped his tail around her waist and fell asleep. Daisy looked and smirked, samarus rolled her eyes.

"he has seperation anxiety, don't know why but he likes to know someones around"

Daisy nodded

"thats cute, he's so tough and scary looking but he's really just a smol bean" giggled lucas

Peach went into another room and slammed the door, daisy and bowser picked up medkits, daisy threw one at samarus, she caught it and gave her a thumbs up.

"we'll camp out here and move at night, i think specials are like humans and stuff, some come out at night and some come out at day"

Everyone who was awake nodded in agreement and found things to bide their time.

(took me two days to write, not very long unlike the other, sorry, anyway. Hunter in the white and light blue hoodie is an oc. That oc belongs to Little_owl_thing, see ya survivors or infected in the next one)

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