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The darkness began to fade as a bright ball of light started to lift over the horizon causing the pitch black sky to become a purple colour much like that of Purpura's wings, the colour reminded me of Purpura and I panicked looking around to try and find her but she was nowhere to be seen and neither was anything else so I decided to walk towards the shed I had seen before, it was quite a distance away and my legs were still in pain so I was unable to get to the shed in any good amount of time but I thought it may be my only hope, I dragged my body across the wheat field and as I did I saw the sky change from a purple colour to dark blue and eventually a purple and by the time it had become a light baby blue colour I had reached the shed and inspected it carefully It was made of corrugated steel and had become rusted along the edges and had vines growing up one of the sides and the front had one large metal door. The door had no handle and instead had a wheel and unlike the rest of the shed the door seemed unbreakable and un openable. I suddenly heard the sound of metal clanging on metal and a hiss of steam. Then silence. The silence terrified me, I knew something was about to happen so I crawled away and around to the side of the shed. The door opened and out stepped a woman in a white shirt and an orange jumpsuit that had been tied around her waist she was wearing white boots with a piece of metal coming out from about midway up her thigh to below her heel causing her to look about four centimetres higher then she should have been, from the door a box was thrown and the door slammed shut behind her, she couldn't see me from where I was so I went to call to her but was silenced with a hand that suddenly came over my mouth, I looked around and saw that the hand belonged to Purpura she flapped her wings quickly once then three short flaps and we both appeared back in the room from before.

I was confused about what had happened and was about to ask about what had happened but before I could Purpura said angrily "WHY DID YOU DISTRACT ME!!!?" and I asked in return in a similar tone "WHERE WAS I?"

"you were in the future because you fell out of my secure timeless zone" she said

"the future?"

"yes but you wouldn't have been there and could have died all because you had the need to look at my wings like something was wrong with them like everyone else thinks they are"

After she said that, I realised that I knew very little about this person so asked

"why are you here?"

"I already told you" she answered

"no I meant why you?"

"They wanted to send someone else but I insisted they send me so I could try and learn my history from you but I now see that was useless"

Her wings once again retracted and she started to cry

"you were my last hope" shesaid through tears

An Angels Death (gore)Where stories live. Discover now