[❀] ch. 5

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taehyung followed along the other men nervously, not really sure as to exactly what this "testing" was

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taehyung followed along the other men nervously, not really sure as to exactly what this "testing" was. he just hoped it wouldn't be painful.

eventually, the group of men all came to a stop, and jimin pulled a door open, ushering them all inside.

"don't be so nervous, nothing is going to happen... if you pass, that is." jimin whispers, intending to be reassuring but it just made taehyung all the more nervous. what if he didn't pass. would they kill him? most likely.

taehyung didn't want to die, he still had a lot of things he wanted to do in live, there was a multitude of things that he had yet to cross off of his extensively long bucket list.

"taehyung." he hears jungkook's voice calling out his name, and taehyung immediately feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up "first, we'll test your drawing and memory skills together, and then we can see just how good of a liar you are, we're not going to test your physical abilities, because well- look at you." jungkook explains, and taehyung nods his head nervously, ignoring the small feeling of being insulted he got after listening to jungkook.

jungkook motions towards the first room, walking next to taehyung as he explains;

"we'll show you pictures of different people, first for a minute, then thirty seconds, then fifteen, then three and then one. and with each one we'll give you fifteen minutes to draw them."

taehyung nods his head, hoping to god he would be able to succeed. he was really grateful for having a great memory, at this moment.

"great, now, let's begin." jungkook says, pulling out some pictures and turning them facedown so that taehyung wouldn't be able to see them. jungkook then steps away and yoongi sits down, and smiles, before pulling up he first picture.

taehyung quickly scans over the picture, taking his time to get every detail since he had an entire minute to memorise the man's face.

once the minute was up, yoongi put the photo down and taehyung picked up the paper and pencil and began to quickly gliding over the paper with the pencil, making sure to get in as much detail as possible. he tried not to pay too much attention to the idea's that were all staring at him, since all of the people he had met were currently looking at him intently.

the man he was sketching, looked to be in his thirties or so, with light brown hair and a bit of stubble on his face. he had a large nose and small eyes. he wasn't the most handsome man that taehyung had ever seen, but he wasn't particularly bad looking, either.

once the fifteen minutes were up, taehyung turned the paper over and presented it to yoongi. the others could all also see from where they were standing, and they all looked impressed.

the next picture was of a woman in her late sixties or so, with greying brown hair and thin lips and beady, watchful eyes. thirty seconds was still more than enough time for taehyung to observe properly. and when the thirty seconds were up, taehyung quickly sketched the picture, and it turned out just as good as the first one, in taehyung's opinion at least.

as the pictures went on, with less and less time for taehyung to memorise what the people he was sketching looked like. but still, taehyung's good memories were one of the only things that taehyung had going for him throughout his life, that and his talent for the arts, and those two things seemed to be coming in very handy at the moment.

finally, taehyung was at his final drawing, with only a second for him to look at the picture. yoongi quickly flashed the picture at him, before slamming it down. 

taehyung made sure to memorise as much as he could, and when he realised he had almost perfectly memorised the picture, he couldn't help but grin. and quickly began to sketch.

once the fifteen minutes were up, taehyung turned the sketch around for everyone to see, with a bright smile on his face.

everyone looked impressed, and jungkook looked please with made taehyung want to slump down in relief.

"perfect. you've passed this test, taehyung." jungkook says and taehyung wiggles around a bit in excitement "thank you!"

"now, onto then next test." jungkook grins, and taehyung sighs, he wanted to sleep...

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