Never make a mistake for the second time.

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Hi. I'm Katie Louise and this is my story on how everything went wrong. First up I would like to say that sending nudes is a bad thing and you should never send them. It will ruin your life. I should know... here's my story...

'You should send them!' My best friend Jasmine said to me. 'CJ is so hot! If you send them then he'll send some too! It's totally worth it!' She squealed looking at me.

'I don't really think that's a good idea Jasmine. It could get out to everyone!' I fell face first onto my bed.

Jasmine walked over to me. 'Sweetie, you already sent some to Jason. You'll be fine!'

'If you really think so....' I sat up and
looked at her.

'You really should, you'll look so hot!'
She yelled at me, holding my hands.

'Hmmm..... fine... yolo!' I yelled then laughed. Walking over to my phone, picking it up then walking to the bathroom.

'Yasss get them nudes girl!' She started clapping as I walked into the bathroom.

'okay... here we go...' I say as I remove all of my clothing and take a picture. I put on my clothing and walked back out to Jasmine, she was laying on my bed on her phone, when she noticed me she gave me the smirk. THE SMIRK.

'Did you send them?' She tilted her head slightly.

'No... I'm kind of really really scared and I don't think it's a good idea.' I looked down at my phone.

'Booo! You're no fun, just send them!!' She laughed.

'Hmm... fine' I Then push the send button and sigh, instantly regretting my decision.

'Yay!! You're gonna be the new school hottie!' She stood up and jumped up and down giggling.

'Yeah... I guess!' I look up and smiled a little bit, trying to see some light to the situation.

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The next day
'holy crap Katie your nudes are getting everywhere!!!!' Jasmine ran up to me when I arrived at school.

'WHAT THE FUCK JASMINE?! I TOLD YOU IT WAS A BAD IDEA!' I say as tears roll down my cheek.

'It will be okay! I promise!!!' Jasmine squealed as I began crying.

'I need to go and find CJ I'll talk to you later.' I say, still crying but walking away from her, towards CJ.

'Yooo what's good?' CJ says as I approach him.


'Yooo chill, I only sent them to Chance... what do you mean they got around?' CJ said with a concerned look on his face.

'My nudes are on HastyGram. All over it. Getting retweeted and liked by everyone in the school.' I say as I put my phone in front of his face. Showing him the instant numbers going up on the post by a anonymous user.

'What the fuck? I'll go talk to Chance. I'll kill him.' CJ said as he stood up and walked off.
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Once schools over.
'My life is so over!' I say to myself as I fall face first into my bed.

'What do you mean?' My mum said as she walked into my room.

'I did something really bad mum...' I covered my face with blankets.

'What did you do Katie Louise Carpenter?' My mum said as she yanked the blankets off of my face.

'I kind of... maybe... possibly.... sent nudes to a guy.' I say as I cover my face with my hands, hiding it as much as possible.

'What were you thinking Katie?' My mum looked at me.

'I just wanted guys to like me... and guys like nude photos. Jasmine said that if I did then lots of guys will like me!' I begin to cry again.

'It was just a terrible mistake hun. It will blow over I promise.' My mum looked at me with a sympathetic look in her eyes.

'I really really hope it will mum, it can't stick around forever... can it?' I looked at her with horror in my eyes.

'I will blow over okay, I'll make sure of it okay hun?' Mum rubbed my back.

'Okay mum...' I fell face first into my pillow.

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the next day at school. Right when Katie arrives to school.

'Katie!!!' Jasmine ran up to me, with another girl.

'Uhh... hey Jasmine!' The look at her with a worried expression on my face.

'This is Hannah, she's a hacker! She can take down all of the photos!' Jasmine looked at Hannah with a big grin on her face.

'Hey.' Hannah looked at me, with her hand out for me to shake.

I shook her hands. 'Hi Hannah, it will be a pleasure to do business with you.'

- - - - -To - - - - - Be - - - - - Continued - - - -

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