The face: part I

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It was a fine day of April and the morning was a fresh one, young children would play around, men will go to work an women will take care of the house, it was all marvelous to those who visited the small town of Ranville. But just like any other place on earth this town hide it's secrets and they where slightly more than a strange typical meal.

Our story begins with a young man. He was tall and slender. With a long black coat. A scarf right up to his nose, and a long weird hat that threw a shadow to the rest of his face, the only thing you could see were his piercing hazel eyes, he was, you could say, the main attraction to people who visited.

People tend to ask about him but they never approached him to ask him directly anything, the answers locals gave revealed very little about the man and indicated boredom towards his life, the most mysterious man and yet there where absolutely no gossip around him, no legends, no stories no nothing.

He seemed to be close to one person tough, an old lady called Mama Ruby who liked to take her tea at three o'clock every afternoon and settle for a good chess match, she said that whomever beats her she will tell the story of the mystery man, sadly, all those who tried failed and, with time, people stopped trying.

One day the mystery man approached mama Ruby at quarter to three, as always, to help her set the tea table and the cookies and then they drank tea, they had a lovely tea that day, after the tea and cookies he spoke:

- Mama Ruby, I want to challenge you to a match of chess
- Mmm....... so, you finally found your courage to ask?
- ...
- Alright then

Mama Ruby went to get the table and the pieces, wen she came down they settled everything and she spoke the rules:

- Alright dearie, the rules are simple: no talking during the game and we both will Ofer something, I will Ofer you your story, what do you offer me dear?
- I'll Ofer you......... I'll offer you my face
- Fair enough, let's begin then

The hours passed and passed and the game was far from ending, each minute the fight was intense.

Who is the man?
What's his story?
Did anybody really saw him?
Does he see himself?
Find out in the next chapter 😏

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