The End of the End

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   Bill cackled. "You really thought you could erase me from existence using some wires and a lightbulb?"

The memory gun had failed. Bill had a physical form, no longer a mental one. Yes, he could enter minds, but it would just be a projection of himself.

"Guess again, Sixer. You just erased your dear brother's memory for nothing!" Bill taunted.

" could it be? It was our last hope..." Grunkle Ford said.

"This is priceless! Hey Sixer, let's try that again. " Bill used his magic to lift up me and Mabel by our throats.
"Fine! Just leave the kids alone!"
"No, Grunkle Ford! Don't do it!" I yelled.

"Sorry, kids. This is the only chance I have to keep you safe, despite how slim of a chance it is." Ford replied. Reaching out with his six fingered hand, he shook Bill's blue-fire-covered hand.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Bill released an insane laugh as he dove into Ford's head. My eyes filled with tears, as did Mabel's. Bill jumped back out after a while.

"Oh, by the way Sixer, I changed my mind."

Bill snapped his fingers, killing Ford instantly.

"NO! GRUNKLE FORD!!"Me and Mabel cried out.

He left us floating behind him as he toppled the barrier, releasing his henchmaniacs on the universe while we helplessly watched through tears.

   "Now that you've experienced your complete and utter defeat, I have no use for you. Bye-bye, Shooting Star!"
He snapped his fingers and Mabel slumped over lifelessly.

"You would like that, huh. Bye-bye, Pinetree." He snapped his fingers, and everything went black.

"Hey, wake up, Dip-Dop! We're here!"
I opened my eyes slowly to a smelly bus. It had just stopped at..Gravity Falls?

"Wait, what? Is this the afterlife? I could've gone to hell, but definitely not you, Mabel..." I mused.

"Uh, Dipper? What crazy dream were you having? We just got to Gravity Falls!"

"What are you talking about? Bill just killed us and Ford!"

Mabel looked at me weird.
"Bro, what are you talking about? You know what, let's get off the bus first." Mabel said.

As we grabbed our luggage, I looked around, bewildered. The town.. was back to normal? The more I looked, I realized... it was just like the day we showed up at Gravity Falls, the first day of summer.

    But.. weirdmagennon... and Bill... and Ford.. and the journals... and the entire summer! What was going on?
"Wait.... Mabel? What day is it?"
"Um.. the first day of summer? What's wrong Dip-Dop?"

My eyes widened. So... I went back in time?

"Oh, nothing Mabel...just a weird... VERY weird... dream..."

"Well, okay then!" Mabel chirped back.

"Oh, and Mabel?"


"Don't date Nor-nevermind."

"Okay, silly. I won't date anyone named nevermind!"

I sighed, then smiled.
Time to start fresh. I don't know how I got here, or why, or pretty much anything that's going on, but I won't question it, at least not yet.

    In case it messes up some important time rules, I won't completely avoid our adventures. Besides, they were fun! I'll just solve our problems again. Summer had reset. And this time, Bill, I'm in control. I couldn't stop the huge grin spreading across my face.

~☆♡☆ ~ ♡○♡ ~ ☆♡☆ ~ ♡○♡~
Sorry it was cringy and short but hey, I tried. Feedback?

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