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"You belong to me now"

His expression was priceless looking like one of Leonardo davinci's paintings

He pushed himself way from me and jumped over the counter distancing himself.

I stood in my spot a humorous look on my face,  I was expecting him to do this,  he was a rogue they don't do well losing their freedom,  and belonging to someone was a big deal in the supernatural world.

"You can run but I will always find you "

He glared at me with murderous intent his blue eyes becoming dangerously darker,  he snarled at me then lunged claws extended aiming to strangle me.

I shook my head slowly,  they never listen.

"Stop" I said lowly,  it was almost  whisper I'm not sure if he heard it,  but now my words were like and anchor to his soul,  if I commanded him to stop he will. If I commanded him to jump he'll jump I controlled his life now.

He froze falling on the island a cracking sound resonating in the kitchen.

A dark velvet liquid formed beside him,  showing how hard he fell.

"This is not fair... I'll report you to the authorities, the elders they'll deal with you... They'll kill you"

The hesitation shone brightly in his eyes,  he wasn't sure what to do threatening me with no ground,  the elders had no power over me I could just snap my fingers and they would be at my beck and call and even if they weren't the underworld like most places aren't very enthusiastic towards traitors,  and that's what rogues are branded as rogues who betrayed their home. .

I giggled at his naivety he still doesn't get it does he, "Your a rogue what can you do to me, soon as you step a foot in the underworld your done for... Even if you do tell the elders they can't do anything to me those old fools can't even think straight"

His eyes darkened no emotion could be seen at all,  he had already given up so quickly,seeming to finally understand that he can't get away from me, his shoulder slumped and he looked down defeated.

I held his chin firmly and forced him to stare into my eyes, his dark blue eyes got darker and seemed almost empty I clicked my tongue and let go of his chin"I told you... You belong to me now...Go clean yourself up"

...I hate the smell of blood

The last one I said in my head and vanished into the air black smoke left in my wake.


The smell of sweat alcohol and sex lingered in the air, bodies grinded against each other, perverts eyes raked young girls from top to bottom obvious boners rose like valiant swords ready for a war.

Young girls looking eighteen or above strutted in high heels and revealing body hugging clothes,  they threw seductive glances at men disgust clear in their eyes but they hid it well,  the men would slap their behind and put a hundred or more in between their boobs and slap them away.

This. Place. Was. Perfect

It continued to ring in my head continuously how perfect this place was to release my energy,  and it was so dark no one noticed my sickly pale colour.

I had lost my guise and rested in my usual attire, the fear of being caught far gone, after all what would a goody two shoes like Michaela be doing in a place like this.

I relaxed into the chair casting a lazy glance at everyone,  I released a little of my energy as soon as I got here,  but it wasn't enough I got here minutes after they had just opened so there wasn't enough people to absorb the energy,  but now there was a good number of people.

I felt power move in my blood circulating around my body before forcing itself out into the atmosphere,  changing the ambiance immediately.

Men jumped on women ripping their clothes off and doing unspeakable things to them,  others didn't care because that's what they were doing,  women kissed other women biting sucking and pushing at each other,  to my surprise I found two guys behind the counter also humping each other.

In a matter of seconds this high class establishment turned into the world's largest group porno.

I giggled and watched with amusement the horny,pleading looks on people's faces as they continued to get pounded no sign of release anywhere.

"Why do you do this? "

Without looking at him I arched a brow asking him what he meant.

He ground his teeth and pointed at the gang bang that unfolded before our eyes, "This... "

I felt irritation bubble within me at that question but held my smirk which became more cynical...


This was my life...

I can't remember how many times this had happened to me,  I just walk into a place and people instantly get turned on,  I would just walk past an alley and the next day I would hear about a woman being gang raped by multiple men.

I walked past a young couple and the next day they find out they were expecting.

Different scenarios with only one common factor, grief, the pain, some even commit suicide out of insanity

I was the cause of the world's greatest pain,  I broke families apart,  I ruined relationships, I sent the most innocent people to their darkest despair.

All I felt,  all I've ever felt since I woke up from my eternal sleep is guilt

Guilt to see the pain on the eyes of my victims as tears poured out vehemently from their eyes,  as their eyes become dull and lifeless with pain.


...Because I know what they are going through but I can't stop it,  I don't know how to control myself,  I'm just a walking machine used to pump out miasma

But as I stared into those accusatory blue eyes that looked at me like I was the most evil of all beings,  I knew he wouldn't believe me so I just said...

"Oh... It's my job"

He looked like he was ready to chew his own shoes in anger

Job... Which job... How is making people as horny as dogs in heat a job

I chuckled I knew what he was thinking but ignored it.

"I didn't choose this, this is my life... Well my afterlife..."I chuckled softly my eyes darkening a cynical smile on my lips, "...I'm lust one of the seven deadly sins, I'm a plague on human existence...its not like I have a choice" I said the last one softly

"Everyone has a choice..." he gritted a tone of accusation could be heard, he looked he wanted to scream at me but couldn't, a vein popped on his forehead looking angry and black,  his face was red like a volcano that would erupt at any moment.

I chuckled at his face

"How adorable" I quipped taking a sip of my vodka

He sighed waving his hand in exasperation "Why don't you just leave it's not like Lucifer doesn't have a lot of Lusters around anyway? "he arched his brow in question.

I looked at him shocked,  he seriously doesn't know anything about anything does he,  how can you possibly quit a very important job.

And besides I could quit I could have.

He looked at me curiously, "Why don't you just quit"

Before I could answer I felt a familiar strangling atmosphere  stronger than mine.

"Cause she would die"

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