Chapter 10

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I was so confused right now. Why did this all have to happen? Why does Ben love me and Drew like me? What the hell did I do? And I don't exactly know what I feel about the two either,  and not to mention, I hate love triangles. Hell, I'm not even inlove.

I slumped into my bed and thought of what to do. Man, I should have told Drew that my stalker is not a human being but a ghost, but no, I didn't tell him. Why didn't I tell him?Was it because I originally never believed in ghosts? I don't have time for that shit.  I have to tell him tomorrow. I should think of how to explain to him my current situations.   

I don't get it. My deceased childhood friend is inlove with me and a popular guy wants to my boyfriend? What on earth is that all about? What was so special about me? Just because I play video games? Nonsense.

I decided  to play in order to clear my mind as well as to distract myself. It was a Friday and I should have fun. As I was about to play, Cleverbot opened.

"Why did you bring him here?"

"It's my house, what the hell do you care?" Seriously, what's his problem?

"If I hadn't displayed your gay porn pics to creep him out God knows what you two would have done in your room."

"What the hell? That's wasn't necessary! We were never even planning that!"

"Oh? How would you know? Do you already trust him, (n)? Would you know what he would do to you?

"Seriously, what is your problem! He is just my friend!"

"I'm the only friend you ever need."

I'm sorry you have to be lonely... but please don't replace me

I shook my head to get rid of the voice inside my head. It was as if Ben was already inside my head, whispering creepy yet romantic stuff. But mostly creepy.

"You see, (n), I am part of you as you are part of me. We belong together... and he is in the way."

 I took a deep breath. If Ben wasn't my childhood friend, I would have called the police or an exorcist. I had a day that was weird enough and I didn't want to completely ruin the mood. 

"I will talk to him, ok? Let's start a fight over this. Wanna play Resident Evil?" I typed. Now I know why I feel so comfortable playing with him: it was because we always played together before so our gaming capability matches. A mutual bond between us.

We played and after a short while I felt myself relax. Playing with Ben helped me relieve a lot of stress and playing with him was simply comforting.

We played until early morning and I found myself exhausted. I told Ben I would go to sleep.

"Good night, (n). I'm sorry if you're pressured but I only want you for myself. Sleep well."

That's just what I need in a text to sleep. Genius, Ben. I chuckled. Something must be really wrong with me. Why am I feeling so thrilled when texts me stuff like this? Seriously, I'm probably going insane as well. I shrugged the feeling off and  fell asleep.

I woke around late afternoon, feeling all drowsy. Drew was going to pick me up for the party. Am I really going? I'm scared of crowds... Should I really go?

I decided to browse the web for a bit and shake off my anxiety. I hope Ben is not going to do anything creepy when I'm at the party. And for fucks sake, I don't even know what to wear.

Time went by really fast and it was already evening. Ben suddenly messaged me.

"Are you going with him?"

Zelda (Ben drowned X reader)Where stories live. Discover now