Chapter 14

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Everything felt so surreal. It felt like I was simply gliding through time. I had no idea what was wrong with me. I didn't even blink once and my eyes were wide open, staring at the empty space of atoms.

I couldn't believe any of this. Why did this have to happen? What is wrong with my life?

I miss my old life, where no one minded me and I was just by myself and never got involved in any trouble. In just one week so much had happened, it was too much to take it all in properly.

Drew's death spread quickly over the school and I tried to visit Drew's dormitory but the police didn't let anyone in. The cause of his death was confirmed as suicide but I knew very well it was not... I knew someone actually murdered him... and I knew who it was. Should I tell the police?

That doesn't really seem like a good idea. I don't think they would believe, but how else could I at least bring justice to Drew? It felt wrong to cover up the truth.

My phone suddenly vibrated. I took it out of my pocket to view the message.

"Do you hate me for killing him?" Ben. Of course.

"How could I not hate you? You killed my friend. He hadn't done anything." I replied.

"Hadn't done anything, you say? Well, I do recall him touching my property so he had to go. His fate has been determined."

Oh, so I'm his "property" now.

"Now that he's out of our way it's just me and you, my princess. Just as inseparable as Link and Zelda."

I can't believe I've been childhood friends with this terrifying psychopath who would kill anyone who threatens to come as close as being a mere love interest. What if he killed more than that? What if he would harm my brother?

"Oh yeah? So who's next? Tell me that! You're probably going to kill my brother, aren't you!" If Ben ever hurt my family I don't think I would ever forgive him.

"(n), how could you say that? I'm not a monster! I only kill those who try to steal you away from me, but not your brother, unless you do something incestuous."

He is really insane. I don't think I can trust him at all. I don't think I can trust crazy people in the first place.

"I thought you were my best friend! Why are you doing those things to me!"

"Because I love you, (n)... and because I want to be the only one for you... but it's not fair because I'm dead."

"So? What are you gonna do then! Destroy my life just because you can't date me!?" This was getting ridiculous.

"I'll wait for you at the place where it all ended... and where it will all end. I know you'll meet me there."

"What are you talking about?"

Ben did not reply to me afterwards. I really wonder what  place he's talking about. Shrugging it off, I made my way to the remaining classes of the day.

All classes were finished and I haven't understood a single thing. Ben and Drew wouldn't leave my mind and for the first time in my life I suddenly felt afraid. I mean, I have always been slightly scared of Ben and his insanity, but right now, I was very afraid. Afraid for my life, even though Ben claimed to love me so much I still won't know what else he would do to me.

I trotted home, feeling all numb and dizzy. I don't know what to feel anymore. Everything is just so confusing and shocking, I'm having a hard time accepting that this was all my reality right now. I entered my house and staggered into Daryl's room. I need to talk to him.

Zelda (Ben drowned X reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora