They're real.

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I stood outside, waiting for Izzy to come out of the building. I waited for 10 minutes, and she never showed up. I sighed, getting into the limo Tony insisted on giving us.
  "Hi Happy!" I said.
  "Where's the other one?" He asked, ignoring me.
  "I don't know, I'll text her right now." I pulled out my phone, texting Izzy.

where the hecketh art thou

i'm hanging out with some people, i'll walk home later

My eyebrows furrowed, and I simply texted back a 'k'.
  "She said she's hanging out with some people and she'll walk back to the tower later." I told Happy. He sighed, nodding and starting to drive back to the tower.

My eyebrows furrowed.

  "That doesn't sound like something she'd do." Steve said quietly.
  "She's 15, Steve. Her emotions are all over the place." Natasha said. I snorted.
  "If she's not home by tomorrow, then we can start worrying." Tony said, though he already looked worried. They've only known us for 2 days, and they're already so sweet to us. We're just creepy teenagers who know everything about them.
"If anything happens to my favorite Midguardian, I will stab someone." Thor said, pulling out a small knife.
"You've been hanging around Loki too much." I said, laughing quietly.
  "No you!" Thor said. Peter snorted.
  "PARKER!" Tony yelled.

She's 15, Steve.

I watched Peter with interest as he mixed together web fluid in Tony's lab.
  "Hey, can I meet Aunt May?" I said, grinning. Aunt May is amazing.
  "Uhh, as long as you don't do anything weird.." Peter said quietly, watching me out of the corner of his eye. I pumped my first ip into the air.
"YESSSSSSSSSSSS!" Peter looked like he regretted his decision.
"...anyways, has Izzy texted you again yet?" He asked, changing the subject.
"Uh, let me check." I pulled out my phone, opening my texts.

i'm hanging out with some people, i'll walk home later


actually I might be here for a while longer


they need help cleaning up, idk when I'll be home

I raised an eyebrow in suspicion. I don't think Izzy would refer to the Avenger's facility as home, we literally just got here like 3 days ago.
"Something's wrong." I muttered quietly.
"I saw her hanging out with some kids earlier, I've never seen them around but they seemed fine. I'm sure she's fine." Peter said, his big brown eyes meeting my E/C ones. I sighed.
"You're probably right."

As long as you don't do anything weird.

"Y/N!" I hear Tony yell.
"WHAT?" I yelled back.
"YEAH, I'LL SEND YOU A SCREENSHOT!" I screamed, screenshotting my conversation with Izzy and sending it to Tony. About an hour of fanfic later, Tony's voice rang over the com.
"Avengers and Y/N, meeting room. We have matters to discuss." I snorted, he sounded formal for once. I pushed myself off of my bed, and it went flying back into the wall with a loud bang.
"UHM." I said loudly, staring at the now cracked wall. I took a deep breath, walking out of my room. Steve was standing there, knowing I had no clue where the meeting room probably was.
"Hi, I just pushed my bed into the wall without even trying. Please help." I said, staring at the super soldier.

Told you I gave it my own twist.

Tony stared at me, gaping.
"Okay, so Izzy's missing and now you're really strong?" He asked, rubbing his temples.
"Uh-Huh." I said calmly, though on the inside I was screaming non stop.
"What the fuck." Tony said quietly, typing away at his weird, metal sleeve thingy. I was guessing it was a computer on his arm, because he's Tony Stark. That's why.
"Language!" Bucky yelled. Steve facepalmed, and I snorted.
"That was one of my favorite scenes-"


"We still have school tomorrow." Peter said, watching me as I laid in Star-fish position on my bed. I groaned, and he snorted.
"Shut up." I mumbled.
"Make me." He said, I wheezed, remembering a text post I saw.
"Scared, Potter?" I said. He snorted.
"It's time to stop."
"No you."
"When will you learn, when will you learn, THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!" Peter yelled. I snorted, laughing really hard, gripping my stomach as I began to wheeze.
"I broke her. Call 911."

Hi, welcome to chili's.

I sat, watching the news with the Avengers.
"Two new assassins have popped up. People are calling them The Electric Assassin, and Patchwork." The pictures popped up on the screen, and I could clearly see the brown hair and electric blue eyes Izzy told me Electra would have in her stories. Patchwork had orange eyes, blonde hair, and a stitch on her cheek.
" our universe, Izzy made characters... she had two named The Electric Assassin and Patchwork.." I said softly. The avengers turned to me, and I began to explain.
  "Okay, lets start out with The Electric Assassin. In Izzy's cinematic universe, she dates you, Bucky. She can create electricity, absorb it, and use it to fight. Her real name is Izzy Furizu, and she used to look like what Izzy does now. She's a HYDRA weapon, and she's been through all that Bucky's been through, but worse, and in a shorter time period." I said.
  "I-I know her.." Bucky stuttered.
  "Patchwork is Electra's sister. Her name was Amiko Furizu. She has magic needles and sewing string that sew up her wounds as she gets them. She throws her needles at you, and the thread doesn't break, so if it strings through you, you're doomed." I said softly. Steve sighed.
  "Audrey might be there too, but she's not Izzy's character, so I don't know. If she is there she probably won't harm you." Both Thor and Steve looked up.
"Dire Wolf has short blonde hair, we'll probably run into her as well. She has claws that come out of her fingertips, and she's trained like Natasha. Her name was Akari Aishi, and her sister is Ayane Aishi, or Blaize. Blaize can control fire, and set her entire body on fire. She's also trained like Natasha, along with the other girls."
"Izzy has one more Assassin character in the MARVEL universe- Memoir. She hasn't told me much about her, but Memoir is supposed to be the version of Electra with all of her old memories." I said. The avengers stared at me in awe.
"How do you remember all of that?"
"Izzy never shuts up."

Memoir, The Electric Assassin, Patchwork, Blaize, Dire Wolf.

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