Chapter 20: Rival (Part II)

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I felt my whole body tremble in anger to what she just said. I've never felt so furious to the point of wanting to kill someone until now. Until this whore of a she wolf!

A low growl escaped my mouth.

'Substitute' for me? Are you serious, you little fake ass bitch!? What, you think you can just substitute for anyone just like that!? You are fucking crazy if you think I'll let you!

I filled my lungs with air, trying my best to keep myself from jumping at Jessica who is now smiling charmingly at Cass. Damn. She's a real expert in faking such an innocent image!

I can't help but rumble even more in frustration.

Don't fall for it, Cass!

Cass let out a deep sigh. "I know you're a wonderful woman, Jessica. But, I don't think what you're saying is possible."

"But Luna, I-"

"Matt loves his mate more than anything in this world. She's her true mate. They are bonded together. NO ONE can substitute for a true mate, Jess."

"I know that, Luna." Jess forced a pained look and looked down at her plate. "But... I noticed that Matt has been lonely after his mate's gone missing. He's lost some weight and he looks so tired all the time, too."

She then looked up directly at Cass.  "I-I'm just worried that... I-If his mate never comes back... he might stay miserable like that forever.  A-And that wouldn't be good for the pack, right?"

I gritted my teeth as I felt my heart sank. As much as I hate to admit it, she has a point there. What will happen to Matt if I never get my human back? Will he ever stop searching for me? Will he keep having nightmares of me leaving him?

I love him and God knows how much I want him for myself but I don't think I can stand the idea of him being miserable without me.

Cass seemed to be out of words. She just looked at Jessica for a moment before leting out a deep breath.

"I understand that you're worried for the Alpha and the pack, and I honestly admire that you wanted to help. B-But, well..." She sighed. "Matt would still be the one to decide to that, you know."

A faint smile crossed Jessica's lips. "O-Of course."

Just in time, Matt arrived looking worn. His hair is messy; his shirt is covered with mud and dirt as well as his pants and his boots. Where on Earth has he been to?

I circled around his feet and he bent over to brush my fur. He then walked around the table to give Cass a peck on the cheek. When he saw Jessica, he looked confused for a moment before he nodded to her.

"Good evening."

"Good evening, Alpha."

"You haven't started eating yet?"

He didn't seem to notice the awkward moment of silence between the two women in the table.

But Jessica managed to handle the situation.

"W-We were waiting for you."

"You should've started without me. Sorry to keep you waiting."

"No worries. I-I was enjoying myself talking to Luna."

I swear I saw Cass raise an eyebrow. Jessica just made it sound like they really were talking about some fun stuff and wasn't something as serious as replacing the Alpha's mate!

I can imagine a grin forming on my lips, knowing that she just made a huge mistake there with Cass.

The Luna silently stood from her seat and proceeded to the kitchen. Her face is unreadable. I wonder what's going on through her mind. One thing is for sure though, she doesn't like her now as much as I do.

When she came back, she handed me a piece of raw meat.

"Let's eat."

The room fell silent as everyone started to eat. Matt served himself with Jessica's dish first and I didn't miss to notice how her face lit up. She was smiling in between bites after that.

How pathetic! Pff!

When Matt was almost finished with his plate, Jessica even went around him to serve him more food. Again, I didn't miss to see how she intentionally let the side of her body brush against Matt's arm.

A bark escaped my mouth and the three of them looked down at me.

Get your body away from my mate, bitch! Or I swear you'll find that ripped away from your head!

After a while, Cass stood with her hand massaging her forehead. She didn't even finish her plate.

"I'll go to my room now."

Matt frowned. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm just tired I guess."

She walked around Matt to give him a pat on his shoulder before making her way up the stairs.

Jessica looked up at her and their eyes met.

She then smiled at her. "Good night, Luna."

I decided not to leave my mate with Jessica at the dinner table. You'll never know when the witch is going to strike. I must keep my guard.

"So, err... how's your day, Alpha?"

"Busy, as usual."

Matt shut his eyes closed before raising his hand to the back of his neck, massaging himself there. He looked dead beat and my heart went out for him.

"There have been quite a number of reported wolf attacks around the territory. The guards are on full alert."

'Wolf attacks'? Meaning, there has been more than one incident? It must be getting worse. This is serious.

I turned to look at Jessica who has seemed to have lost her focus.

As I follow her gaze, I see that she's surveying Matt's face, down to some of the unbuttoned part of his shirt that exposed his broad chest. Admiration is written all over her face and I had to fight the urge to rip her eyeballs out of their sockets!


The word 'mine' just kept on going over and over inside my head. It never crossed my mind that I could be this possessive but I just realized,  I don't want anyone staring at my mate! Especially not in the way Jessica stares at him right now!

My growl grew louder as she started to move from her seat, biting her bottom lil gently. She walked around Matt and stood behind him.

Run now, bitch! Or you will regret it!

My breathing became heavy as she was starting to move her hand to my mate's shoulders. My heart was pumping rapidly inside my chest like it was about to get out of my rib cage and I tried my hardest to calm myself. When her hands touched Matt's shoulders, my beast just couldn't contain it anymore.

I heard Matt's voice calling out to me but it's already too late.

The enemy has to be eliminated.


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