Part 1, Chapter 3: Angelic Angel

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As the second years went up the stairs and down the hallway towards the student counsel office they felt a strange feeling, as if they were going to be attacked at any moment.

"Honoka, you do have the form right?" Umi asked out of concern as she looked at her friend.
"Of course I do Umi-chan!" Honoka nodded as she held up a piece of paper, it was a club application form.
"Girls....something seems amiss, like I feel something eerie" Kotori chimed in as they were about to reach the door
"Kotori, we don't have any other choice!" Umi said with a bit of anger in her voice before she took a deep breath
"If we need to keep our stands out, we probably should" Umi then added
"what if they are also stand users?" Honoka asked Umi out of concern
"You mean other people with stands besides us?" Umi responded with confusion and Honoka simply nodded back
"Before you guys joined I met a redhead with a similar power to us....I'm scared that maybe they will have abilities as well..." Honoka sounded worried a bit before sounding confident 
"We need to keep our guard up! so that we can be ready for whatever!" She then opened the door and saw both the student counsel president and her purple haired associate.
Honoka, Kotori and Umi all walked in Menacingly.
The student counsel president stood up and looked at them 
"What do you want?" she said staring at them while giving off a pose
"We want to form an Idol club!!" Honoka said before striking another pose and pointing at the student counsel president
"well...that was obvious enough, but i'm afraid you do not have enough members." she responded with a rough tone in her voice
"What!? That's Bull! I have seen tons of clubs with three members all around the damn school!" Umi Responded with a burst of anger.
"Umi calm down!" Kotori said as she put her hand on Umi's shoulder
"There is something off about you three..."  The Student Counsel president stood up and looked at her purple haired friend who had a pile of Tarot Cards beside her.
The purple haired girl picked up a tarot card from the top of her deck as she pulled a card from the deck, the Second Years watched as she pulled up the card and revealed it, it was The Moon.
"You three have similar powers to me and Nozomi Don't you." The student Counsel President stared at the second years who stared back in surprise 
"Eli-chi!" The purple haired girl looked at the student counsel president, a cold aura was coming from her. 
"Nozomi...Don't try and stop me, these girls have spiritual abilities similar to mine....i can feel it!"
Honoka looked at both Umi and Kotori
"Umm....I think she wants a fight."
Umi then looks at Honoka
"YOU THINK!?" Umi then lets her stand out and looks directly at the student counsel president
"Bring out your stand before I hack into all of your systems!" the student counsel president just stood there
"a Stand? is that what you three call it? well if that's the case I will send out my 'Stand'"
Umi runs over to use her stands Rush Attack before
"UMI WAIT!" Both Honoka and Kotori yell at her friend but it was too late
"ANGELIC ANGEL!" The student Counsel President, who the purple haired girl had Called 'Eli' sent out her stand, when Future Styles Punch hit Eli's Angelic Angel a loud burst was sent out, as all the Second Years flew towards the wall

Stand Name:「Angelic Angel」

Stand user:      Eli Ayase

"This is her Stand!?" Honoka asked in a panic
"Its...Pretty.." Kotori added as they looked at it in awe, Eli's stand looked like an angel as it spread the wings on its back.
"You all can try but I will not be defeated so easily!" Eli leaps over the desk she was behind and starts walking towards The second years
Umi started typing on her stands arm 
"Honoka! Kotori! I need you both to defend me! It might take a while for Future Style to get into her computer" Umi said to both Kotori and Honoka
"Alright then, Susume Tomorrow!" Honoka let out her stand and stood beside Kotori, who refused to let her stand out. 
"Umm...Kotori?" Honoka looked at Kotori who just nodded her head before Honoka started to walk towards Eli, who was prepared to fight Honoka.
Honoka charged her stand towards Eli, letting out a battle cry
Eli chose to send her Stand in a Rush attack as well
Both Honoka and Eli's stands clashed. as Umi and Kotori watched
the purple haired girl who was standing at the side smirked and looked at the other two before giving a nod
"Why is it that you want to create an Idol club in the first place?" Eli said after they both finish their rush attacks
"Shouldn't you three be thinking about spending your last years here?"
The purple haired girl chimed in
"If you three want this club that badly, you only need two more members to create it" 
Honoka looked at Eli ready to use her ability on her 
"I want to make this that i can save the school!!"
Eli and the purple haired girl were both surprised at this
"Save the School? With a Club!? You must be insane!"
Eli then stared at Honoka menacingly
As Eli was about to attack a silver flash appeared in between them
It was Kotori, she looked like she was wearing some sort of bird based full body suit, complete with a helmet
"W-What!?" Eli wondered what this was, but Honoka and Umi already knew what it was, it was Kotori's stand

Stand Name: 「Start:DASH!!」

Stand user: Kotori Minami

Kotori looked at Eli, With her stand activated, she used this time to explain what her stand was
"I see you're surprised, right?" she gave off a cheerful smile
"This is my Stand ability! I call it Start: Dash!" She looked around before giggling and attacking, Kotoris speed was faster than that of Eli's stand as she started attacking her
"My stands ability is to change my speed!" The world around Kotori seemed to have slowed down but in reality she became extremely fast
Kotori kept attacking before landing a final blow, causing Eli to be sent back a little
" three just can't give up hu-"
"No we Can't! ELI!" Honoka interrupted Eli before The Three of them let off a group pose
the purple haired girl who Eli called 'Nozomi' Looked at them and let out a giggle holding up two fingers
"All you need is two more members, then you will be able to form your club"
"Two more members..." Honoka Said this to herself before leaving with the others

When they left, Nozomi helped Eli up and smiled
"what you said back there is something i would like to tell a certain someone" 
Eli then turned her head
"You talk to much Nozomi.."
Nozomi just smiled and responded
"Well.. I am the Vice President, that is my job after all"
Eli then looked out the window
"what should we do?"

Honoka Kousaka, Kotori Minami and Umi Sonoda have began a journey to find three more members for
 the School Idol Club.

As they were walking down the front of the school towards the stairs Honoka looked gloomy
"Cheer Up Honoka-Chan! you didn't do anything wrong!" Kotori comforts her
"I'm sure She feels the same way we do..." Umi said as she pulled out her phone, which had some stuff she hacked from Eli's computer using her Future Style.
"but unless we become an official club we can't use any of the club rooms or the auditorium...we can't do anything, What do we do?"
Kotori looked at Honoka "That's a good question....What DO  we do?"
Honoka smirked and started running towards the stairs
"Honoka!" Umi and Kotori yelled for Honoka
"IM REALLY GONNA DO IT!" Honoka said as she was running

< To Be Continued I \ I /

Next Time: Training! A mysterious encounter awaits!

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