Chapter 9: The Mountains and the Palace

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Old Lady Willow's Hut, Arietes Orbis
Year: 4995

   Aule sat at the table with Old Lady Willow, pulling the leaves off of parsley stems and putting them in a large wooden colander. The sun was laying low behind the mountain peaks and dark, elongated shadows were beginning to form at the tree line and behind ever bush, building, and standing figure in all of Arietes. Cephalus and Adrastea had failed to return before supper and though neither of them looked it, both were on the edge of their seats just waiting for the sound of hoof beats coming towards the hut.

   "Oh!" Aule slammed her palms down on the table. "Why are they not back yet?"

   Standing up she limped over to the window and pulled the burlap curtain aside, scanning the forest below for any sign of life. 

   "They will come. No need to worry yourself," Willow spoke softly, continuing to pick at the parsley.

   Aule took no heed of her words and grabbed one of the cloaks off of the rack by the door, throwing it over her shoulders and running out the door. The air was colder than usual and bit at Aule's exposed face more then she cared for, but it was not something that would hurry her back inside. She was determined to wait, for however long a time it took, for Adrastea and Cephalus to come riding up the slope. 

   Thankfully Aule did not have to wait long. A quarter of an hour later, sitting on the wood pile, she saw the faint shape of a horse and rider coming out of the woods, promptly followed by another. The second Aule recognized quickly as Adrastea, her face void of any expression, but the first rider was not Cephalus. It was a younger man with black hair and dark skin, draped in furs and leather.

   "Miguel?" Aule whispered, wondering if it was him.

   She had not seen Pavia's younger brother for quite some time and he looked more like Didac than what she remembered. But of course, the man riding the horse was still too young to be Didac Pavia. 

   The two of them rode silently up the slope and stopped in front of Aule. Even though it had only been a few minutes the sky was very nearly dark and the wind biting cold. Too cold for Adrastea's taste. Glumly she got off the horse and wordlessly handed the reins to the Miguel, not even saying a quick thank you before heading into the hut. Aule followed Adrastea with her cool blue eyes until the door shut and then shook her dark head, sighing a little.

   "Come inside won't you? It is quite cold," Aule offered with a friendly smile.

   Miguel's dark face very rarely had an expression on it and this moment was no exception. He simply bowed his head courteously and said, "I shall respectfully decline." heading back down the slope.

   With that Aule shook her head again and limped into the house, glaring at Adrastea but not saying anything. Old Lady Willow was already working her over.

   "To thank someone who helped you is polite. Be so rude again you never shall," Willow said, getting out of her chair.

   Adrastea said nothing but stared at the wall, her solemn face determined to never think of another person ever again. She had made up her mind. Wren had been kicked out of the palace and Evert had deserted her. There was nothing left for her but a terrible lonesome life in the mountains, alone and away from prying eyes. 

   "Where is Cephalus?" Aule asked quietly.

   She could see that Adrastea was not in the mood for talking, but they deserved to know what happened.

   "Pavia, or whatever his name is, stormed the palace and rescued the head scout Wren from execution. Cephalus stayed behind to help sort things out...They sent me back," Adrastea answered sharply, turning and walking back out the door.

The Hunted - Book 1 of the Lost Royals SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now