Chapter 21: A New Reign

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Three months later. Crown Prince Evert Zima's Coronation Ball...

   Adrastea pushed through the crowds of people, nodding at people who she did not recognize but who obviously knew her since birth and smiling as pleasantly as she could without seeming fake. Standing on tiptoe several times she managed to catch site of Evert's head bobbing above the crowd and she was eternally grateful for his superior height.

    "Evert!" she called over the dancers.

    Evert, who had been dancing with a young court lady, looked over his shoulder and saw Adrastea waving vigorously.

    "I am terribly sorry," he said politely. "It seems a crisis has struck."

    Bowing and smiling Evert turned quickly and pushed his way over to Adrastea who handed him a full glass of wine which he gulped down in one go.

    "Ahhh, much better that is," he said with a sigh. "Thank you for saving me."

    "No problem," Adrastea replied. "Here eat this." She handed him a seasoned roll. "We cannot have you fainting before the night is over."

    "I miss the old days when I was keeping you out of trouble," Evert said glumly, biting into the roll.

    "Believe me, so do I!" Adrastea replied. "Now get back out there. Keep up your reputation you must!"

    Sighing Evert finished the roll and stepped back into the crowd, playing the part of king rather well. It seemed many of the young court ladies were ever so pleased to have such a youthful and good looking ruler. 

    Adrastea chuckled and the thought and stepped back to the wall, watching as everyone enjoyed themselves. That is, everyone except Evert.

    Several minutes later a maid pushed through the crowds of people and came up to Adrastea saying, "Your highness, there is a man who wishes to speak to you. He is out on the balcony."

    "Oh alright," Adrastea said, lifting her green skirts.

    "But your highness," the maid continued. "He is human."


    That came as quite a shock and the princess tried to see over the crowd at the balcony only to remember that it was closed off.

    Thanking the maid she pushed her way over to the closed doors and slipped out into the cold night air, hugging her arms in an attempt to conserve body heat. As her eyes adjusted to the dark of the night Adrastea saw the figure a man standing by one of the potted plants, his black hair and blue eyes contrasting in a strange combination with his dark skin.

    "Cephalus!" she said breathlessly.

    He was the last person she expected to see, especially on the night of her brother's coronation, yet there he stood as plain as day.

    "Hello your highness," he said, bowing politely.

    Adrastea curtsied in response, a little wobbly from lack of use. 

    "What brings you here?" she asked, trying not to sound as though she were talking about the weather.

    "I heard about what happened. Wren contacted me about a strange boy and a woman who disappeared after falling off a cliff."

    Adrastea's blood suddenly ran cold at the remembrance of the incident and she looked down at her chilled hands.

    "Yes...Yes we did find it strange," she replied. "At some moments it seemed as though she was made of smoke or something. I was positive I had killed her, but I guess I was wrong for she tried to stab me in the back...Then Daphne stopped her and we all fell over the cliff. I was lucky enough to remain alive."

    "I am here to tell you that Demetria is not dead," Cephalus said solemnly.

    Adrastea looked up at him with a surprised expression.

    "What? But I saw-"

    "She is not dead," Cephalus repeated, shaking his head. "I know what she is and she can not be killed by mortal means."

    Suddenly Adrastea felt a cold rush of wind and chill ran up her spine. What did he mean? Those sorts of things were not real.

    "Understand I do not," she muttered, reverting to Arieten. "I mean, I do not understand."

    After she repeated her sentence is Satarian Cephalus stepped forward.

    "She wants that boy, Adrastea. He is very special and you must keep him safe. I came to warn you but I cannot stay. We shall meet again soon," Cephalus told her, bowing his head once more and walking down the balcony steps.

    Adrastea stood out in the cold night for several long minutes and thought about what he had said. She thought it was all over. She had thought that everything would be alright. But now...

    "There you are!" Wren's voice broke through her subconscious.    

    The princess jumped back in surprise and laughed shakily, putting one hand on her chest.

    "You scared me," she said with a smile.

    "Are you alright?" Wren asked, not convinced by anything Adrastea ever said.

    "Yes, yes I just came out for some fresh air."

    "Well come inside before you catch a cold," Wren told her and the princess obeyed, returning to the bustling ball room where everyone was enjoying themselves immensely. 

    "Ah, what a celebration!" she said cheerfully, her spirits rising once more. "I am happy for Evert."

    "So am I," Wren answered in a low voice.

    Deciding it was that time of night Adrastea moved over to the refreshments table and grabbed an empty glass, filling it with wine and taking a long cool sip of the enticing liquid, the sweet yet tangy sensation running down her throat.

    "Oh how heavenly," she muttered.

    "A strange child she is," Adrastea recognized Lady Hannel's voice whispering to another court lady. "That she could recover so quickly after having been away for three years is beyond me."

    Adrastea narrowed her eyes and clung tighter to her glass of wine, trying hard not to listen to the conversation that was going on behind her.

    "What great trouble she caused," the other lady replied, sipping her wine. "Just as you predicted."

    Adrastea pressed her lips tightly together and spun around, balling her fist. 

    Just like three years ago, she thought bitterly. 

    "Only this time Lady Hannel," Adrastea muttered, gulping down the last of her wine and slamming the glass down on the table. "I am old enough to face my own problems head on!"

    Lady Hannel stopped her gossiping and everyone around Adrastea stared at the princess in confused silence.

    "Do you speak of me, your highness?" Lady Hannel asked, bowing her head slightly.

    The smug look on her face made Adrastea's blood boil and she stepped forward, grabbing the glass of wine out of the other court lady's surprised hand.

    "Yes Lady Hannel," she said with a smile. "I am."

    And with that said the princess let lose her dignity and splashed Lady Hannel square in the face with the full glass of wine.

    "That is for three years ago!" she shouted.

                                                                                        The End

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