Hewo again

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so let me start by introducing myself to all of you, i don't feel comfortable saying my name so you all can call me Ris. i am a little and i am a apret of the mdlg so mdlg means mommy dom little girl. all littles have a age they are most of the time now my age is normally 4 but i do range from 2-6. now there is also something else some littles are in little space all the time and varley ever leave it and there are some that are not in little space all the time in fact they only go into little space if they are having a really rufe day. i am a little that is in little space almost all the time i almost never leave little space. now there is also people who use little space as a coping thang to help them in life, and then the ones who go into little space and not notice when they do it just happened and they cant control it. I myself and one that goes into little space and not nodes I also use little space as a coping thang. What ever tip of little you are it is ok to be that little you are you and if you feel comfortable in that headspace and being that way then be it just be happy and not let everyone ever make you feel lesser. For now I thank that is good I will go into little space and what it is later in the book.

What is your favorite color in little space is it the same as if you are in big space?
My favorite color is orange it is the same in little space and big space.

My little space (Age Regressing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें