some stuff

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What are some tips of little's?

When some people go into little space it can be in a sexual way and other people use it as a way to cope with anxiety and everyday struggle. Some little's jest ten to slip into it and not notes and not do it for any reason.

What do littles like? What can i get for my little?

Most little's love cute outfits, stuffed animal's, toys, food, Pasafier, sippy cup, or a baby bottle and cuddles with mommy/daddy. this all depends on the little

what do i need to do if i am a mommy daddy or a caregiver?

little's that have a mommy daddy or a caregiver ten to want their attention and love to be cuddled or played with. Some things that a mommy or a daddy or a caregiver should know is that your little will want all of your attention this is a BIG thang for little's they WILL want your atinchan and if you DON'T give it to them they WIll miss behave until you give it to them. Your little WILL DEPEND ON YOU FOR EVERYTHING, you make the rules and the punishments for them when they break sead rules that they will probably break. Your little will want you to take them to the park or to go on walks they will want you to cuddle, watch movies, play, cooke food, put them to bed, help them get drest, wake them up in the morning. All of this is also depended on the type of little they are.

How do i find out what tip of little i am taking care of?

Find out what they like when they are in little space so you know how to take care or them such as when you find out that they are a little. Do some research on littles if you don't already know and wall they are in big space ask what they like when they are in little space if they don't know then watch them in little space and try some of these thing and see how they  react to it and desired if you are going to continue with it. all of this my be hard but as you do it it will become much easier to handle. Jest remember to be patient and not get to mad at your little cus just like a kid little's get really emotional as well.

What if my little is depressed?

Some little's go into little space to help their depression, but some little's go through it while in little space. It all depends on who it is.

How do i help my little if they are depressed?

If your little is depressed, make specific rules on how to take care of themselves.

-Take your meds (if needed)

-Take care of themselves

-Tell whenever they feel upset




I think that the last 3 are the most important rules to have.

What do i do if my little is hurting themselves?

If your little is hurting themselves, do NOT PUNISH THEM for it. It will make things worse on their mind's and cause more stress. INSTEAD take care of them and make them feel loved. Always try your hardest to make them feel special. Support them as much as possible as a little and as a big person

If you know what type of little are you.
I myself am a sweetheart I love to spend time with my mommy and almost never brake my mommy's rules.

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