Noah Asks Out Cody pt.4

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Noah's POV
     According to Owen, I received a text from Cody the Tuesday after he turned down my proposal. (As well as twenty other texts and missed calls from my older brother on behalf of the rest of my siblings about where'd I'd been, to which Owen responded, "Owen's house, and I won't be back until Tuesday. See you soon! Love you!" Pfft, like I'd ever add a "Love you!" to the end of any text.) However, I was engulfed by so much sorrow that I didn't bother to check my phone for any messages for a week or so. I lost track of the time I spent mourning.
     "Hey, buddy, Cody wants us to meet him at Trent's house. Can you make it to the car? The sisters are waiting outside. Please get up, Noah," I heard Owen say. Despite my desire to say something back, I didn't have the energy to move my mouth.
     "Okay, Noah. I'll carry you," Owen sighed. Owen slung me over his shoulder and we made our way to his car.
     "About time," Emma scorned. I was still facing Owen's house, but I could hear the utter disappointment in her voice. Why was she allowed to be bitter? It's not like she was on her way to see anyone important.
     "Let's get going, guys! We can't keep Cody waiting any longer," Kitty cheered.
     'I don't know, Kitty. If I can wait, can't Cody wait too?' I jeered in my head. But actually... I couldn't wait to see Cody. Aww cute, right? No.
The sisters waited in the back while Owen gingerly dropped me in the front passenger seat and buckled in my seatbelt. He shut the door and went around to the driver's side. We were on our way.
The car ride would've been better had Owen not farted halfway there. Even with the windows down, the stench lingered for far too long. I think I cried.
     Aside from that, I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Emma, Kitty, and Owen gush about The Drama Brothers. No, really; I absolutely loved hearing about the boy band of All Canadian rejects. It was so wonderful, in fact, that it immediately cured my depression, cleared my skin, and fully payed my college funds in cash.
And speaking of wonderful music, Kitty accidentally hit play on her music. (Why She always has the app on, I don't know.) The song that began playing— brace yourself, you'll probably recognize it— was Oui, My Friends from the third season of Total Drama.
What part was it on? Oh, the one where Sierra sings, "Cody broke my heart and chewed it up and spit it out and then, stepped on it and threw it down a sewer and called it names and then laughed!" Emma urged the struggling Kitty to turn it off. She apologized profusely, but I could hardly hear her over Cody breaking my heart, chewing it up, spitting it out, stepping on it, throwing it down a sewer, calling it names, and then laughing.
     Oui, my friends, the car ride obviously went great.
     When we finally arrived at Fender Bender's house, Owen and the sisters had to literally drag me out of the car. I clutched onto the seat and resisted any opposing forces. Alas, I am incredibly weak and could not hang on for very long.
     "Wow, Noah! This is the most you've moved all week," Owen chuckled.
     "I'm going to go see if Cody's here. Wait here," Emma told us, and speed walked towards the front door. If you ask me, she seemed a little too excited to see Cody.

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