Welcome ❤

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Greetings, reader. Welcome ito my book, 'I Agreed'. I hope you have a good laugh while reading this book, because it is supposed to make you!

I treat all of my readers as friends, whether or not you drop a vote (it's always nice to). You can call me Heather or Donuts. For those that wonder, cakeanddonuts came from my two favourite deserts.

Now, onto business:


The cover was made for credits to itsthequeenofdevils




Plagiarism or

Insulting ANYONE (characters or fellow readers)

Age restrictions:

This book is rated:

13+ | L

Read at your own risk


This book is dedicated to my English teacher, she gave me the idea and the opportunity to write this.

My thanks goes to her as well as my friends that helped me review the story and correct it. Thank you all so much.

Another thanks to YOU! You, the person reading this right now, are the reason I have this book up and have the confidence to write this, thank you so much for the encouragement of my friends on wattpad and my supporters. I really don't deserve you!

Otherwise, thank you for choosing to read this book and choosing to read the welcome page ( some don't ). I do appreciate your presence. Without further ado, read the book and hopefully, relate!


I Agreed - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now