Chapter 5

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Time flew by fast. Four months later came quick. Abby started online school so she didn't have to go to a public one. Colby finally got a girlfriend, Maya is her name. Sam has healed most of the way form Abby's disappearance. Abby has gotten better at wanting to live and stopped cutting. the family was finally happy again. Abby felt more comfortable going out in public. but Abby is started dating Caleb, Luke's son, who were the neighbors. She was terrified to tell anyone, so she kept quiet. Today was the day before Abby's birthday. She was finally home for a birthday. There was also no word about Abby's biological father.

Abby's Pov

I was sitting in my room. It was a Saturday morning. I heard loud talking from downstairs. I assumed that Dad and Colby were making a video. I walked down the stairs and peered around the corner of the stairs. It was Luke, Dad, and Colby filming a reaction video for Colby's channel. I went back up to my room and texted Caleb.

Me: Heyy!

Caleb❤️: Hey!

We texted for a few hours. When Mom came into my room She asked me if we wanted to go shopping. I answered yes and went with her.

Colby's Pov

I went into my room and sat down on my bed. I grabbed my laptop and got on youtube. After a video or two Maya came in. She laid down on the bed next to me and wrapped herself in my free arm. I rubbed her shoulder slowly not breaking my gaze from my laptop.

"Colby?" She said

"Yeah?" I asked

She shut my laptop and made me look at her

"What's up Maya?" I asked

"Colby, I want a child," she said firmly

I looked at her with shock. I didn't know what to say.

"Maya, We've only been dating for 4 months, I don't think that this would be a good choice," I said to her turning my body towards her with my legs crossed.

"But, it would be fun," She said

"It would be, but not right now," I said "Were still living with Sam, Katrina, and Abby. It would be different if we were living on our own." I said to her

"Colby, I think we're ready," she said with a persuading look.

"I never said we weren't, what I said is I think we should wait," I told her grabbing her hand.

"Well, I don't wanna wait," she said sounding upset

"Maya, It would be better,"

"What difference does it make?" She asked

I put my head in my hands and huffed.

"Why did this come on so sudden?" I asked slightly annoyed

she didn't answer

"You're not pregnant are you?!" I asked shooting my head up from my hands

she looked at me with again, no response


she turned and pointed to a pile of clothes on the dresser. There was something on the dresser. I looked at her weird and got up. I walked over there and looked at the dresser. I saw a pregnancy test with a plus sign. I picked it up and looked back at her. I then look under the pile of clothes she was pointing at. There was a camera. I threw the test down

"It's a prank!" She yelled springing up.

She ran over to me and hug her self from my neck like a child. She wrapped her legs around me and I grabbed her legs and held her up. She kissed my cheek and laughed

"That's not funny Maya!" I yelled, "You almost gave me a panic attack!"

"I'm sorry," she said still laughing

I walked around my room with her still wrapped around me.

"I hate you!" I yelled not really meaning it

She laughed. She dropped down from my arms and did her outro

"So that's it, guys! I think we got him pretty good," She said while smirking. Since I was right there in the outro with her She wrapped her hand around my chin and cheeks. I kissed her cheek.

"So I'll see you guys next week!" she said to the camera "Byeeeee!" she said emphasizing the end. She turned off the camera. We jumped back onto the bed. I opened my laptop and watched more videos with Maya in my arms.

"So that was all a prank, right?" He said

"No the test was real," She said

I shot up "What!?"

"I'm kidding," she said laughing

"But I do want kids, but like you said, not right now."

"Right," agreeing with her.

We watched more videos until she fell asleep. I put my laptop on my side table and went to bed as well.

Abby's Pov

It was about 11:30 when I saw my parents shut their lights off and went to bed. I grabbed my phone and texted Caleb,

Me: Hey you up??

Caleb❤️: Yeah, y?

Me: Wanna help me sneak out 😏😉

Caleb❤️: Why?

Me: I dunno

Me: I want to see you I guess

Caleb❤️: okay then see you in like 5 mins <3 u!

Me: <3 u too!!

I waited for a few minutes. When Caleb finally came into sight I smiled. I jumped out onto the tree next to my window. I then climbed down. 

"Hey!" I said when I hit the ground

"Hey!" He said

 We walked around the block, then the park. When we got blocks to my house it was 12:03.

"Happy birthday Abby," He said, I looked at him he leaned closer to my face. He paused for a moment then closed the gap between us. Our lips touched together. When we pulled apart he winked at me and left back to his house. I climbed up the tree and through the window. as soon as both of my feet hit the ground someone flipped the light on in my room. I gulped and looked up. It was Colby. 

"So what was that about?" He asked

"What do you mean?" I replied trying to get away with this. 

"I saw what happened. You snuck out with Caleb and you just kissed him and you tried to sneak back inside from the window," he said

"Okay, yes I did," 

"I know you did," Colby cut me off

"Just don't tell my dad, please" I begged

"I don't have to," he said

I turned around and there sat my dad in the beanbag chair in the corner. 

Ahhh!! sorry ofr the cliffhanger. How do you like Colby's girlfriend? I hope you re enjoying the book. Please don't forget to comment and vote!!

Living With These Weirdos|✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें