part 11

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kiera's pov-
the presents they got me where amazing and i really can't believe it. Romeo's and cruz is the cutest thing i have ever seen and i am going to keep it forever.

Graysons pov-
Me , mum , ethan and cameron are at the airport waiting for kiera to fly in and i can't wait.

kiera's pov
the plane has just landed and i can't believe we are in LA. i also start with my chemotherapy in LA.

we are collecting our luggage form the airport and there is paparazzi everywhere. sometimes i hate this life.
then i see them. my family

i run up to them and hug them
"hi kiera i'm lisa your mother and this is cameron , ethan and grayson"
"hi i'm kiera" i say smiling
we carry on talking then cruz and rome come over.
"this is romeo and cruz and they are my best friends" then everyone also joins
" and this is harper ,brooklyn ,carol * the mother* , david and victoria"

"nice to meet you all shall we go back to our house then " lisa said and we all grabbed our luggage and got in the car . the whole time me Grayson and ethan were talking and then they pulled out a camera and started talking

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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