Untitled Part 2

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Sydney wakes up, rubbing her eyes, "I should not have partied so hard last night..." she looks back on Jason's bed only to see a slumped Jason. She gets up and walks out of Jason's room, "ah, man. I feel awful." She bumped into the wall multiple times and stumbled into Ryder's room at the end of the hall. "Ryder- *gag* what happened last night?" Ryder looked up at Sydney, dazed and confused, "I dunno, Syd. Ask Lila or Alastair. They're always sober. They've *hiccups like the Irish country boy he is* recorded all of it and they've been watching the videos all night," Sydney looks around the room "where are— HOLY FUCK," She spots a big huddled mass in the corner, peering closer she notices it's Lila and Alastair in a blanket, with bags under their eyes, they're giggling and watching a video of Sydney, Aiden and Ryder breaking a window and riding a mechanic bull. Then Sydney and Aiden proceeded to push   Ryder off of the two-story spiral staircase. Ryder looks at the screen and nods, "That explains the huge bruise on my arm,"  Sydney face-palms then turns around getting ready to make breakfast, since she's in no condition to drive to McDonalds and get a whole lot of food.


The Friend talks rpOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora