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He's alone, he's standing there on my porch looking incredibly gorgeous, smiling at me and he's alone, no Jessica! I am so confused I don't even realize I'm saying it before I can stop myself.

"Where's Jessica?" I blurt out before he even has a chance to say anything.

His smile fades and he looks at me confused.

"What? Why would Jessica be here? Did my parents say anything to you?" he says stepping into the doorway.

"No no it's just when your mom said you had something to do before you got here I thought that meant you were picking up Jessica."

"We broke up Madison, why would I be picking her up?"

"Well this is your routine, you break up and then the next day you guys are back together."

"Not this time Mads, I'm really done with her shit this time. I haven't talked to her all day I blocked her so she wouldn't contact me and if she's at the party later I'm not going to talk to her."

He blocked her, is he really done with her? I want to believe it but I can't they always do this. But more importantly he called me Mads, not Madison or Maddy but Mads. Woah, my whole life he has only called me Madison.

"You just called me Mads," I say after a few seconds.

"Yeah I guess I..."

"There you two are, hey Gavin good to see you, come on dinner is served everyone is waiting," my mom interrupts him before he can finish.

He turns to look at me before he turns around to close the door and nods for me to follow him and my mom into the dinning room. Dinner goes by quickly, Olivia asking my mom all about the baby, my dad and Peter discussing last night's soccer game which apparently went really badly and I have never seen my dad so heated about something.

They occasionally asked us about how school was going and college applications. The whole time I never talked to Gavin though, my mom had the brilliant idea to sit us next to each other so the whole night I was catching glances of him through the corner of my eye. He looked hot tonight, he was wearing a white button down shirt and dark jeans, which seem like the plainest outfit but he made it work so well!

You could see the outline of his muscles perfectly and when I was following him into the dinning room I may or may not have noticed how good his ass looked in those jeans. I felt so awkward sitting there at the table staring at my empty plate, what is happening? Usually at these dinners we talk and talk we even ignore our parents when they ask us something because we are so into what we are talking about.

I hate this, I really hope I didn't mess anything up when I brought up Jessica, I'm so stupid why did I do that? My mom brings out desert and I use that as an excuse to talk to him.

"Want to go up stairs?" I turn and whisper to him.

"Yes thank god lets go," he says and a slow smile creeps onto my face.

"Alright I think it's time we leave the grown ups to the grown up talk, we're going upstairs," I announces as we get up from the table.

"Alright honey but at least take these," my mom says as she hands Gavin two plates of pie.

"I would never think of leaving dinner without having your famous apple pie Alice, thanks," he laughs as he follows me down the hall and up the stairs to my room. He takes a seat on my bed and hands me my plate of pie. We eat them in silence and when we are both done we literally just sit there on the bed and stare at our feet.

*Gavin POV*

"Well this is fucking awkward," I finally speak up. "What the hell is up with you Madison?"

I don't like what this is, why isn't she talking to me, the whole damn night has been complete silence.

"Nothing, I just think I messed up earlier when i asked about Jessica so I didn't want to say something wrong again," she says shifting to sit facing me.

"No you didn't you were just curious, and you were right. We have a cycle, or had one actually, we would breakup then get back together but not anymore we are really done..."

"Okay okay no more talk about Jessica," she cuts me off with a giggle, I guess I was getting a little too carried away with the conversation.

"Sorry for ruining dinner though I just didn't know what to say."

"You didn't ruin anything, let's just forget about that whole conversation and have a good time at the party," I say sticking my hand out to shake on it.

"Agreed!" she shakes me hand and I hold on to it a little longer than usual.

She's smiling at me and she looks absolutely beautiful, I wish we could just stay in tonight I much rather prefer being alone with her than being out but Jackson is one of my main guys I can't just bail on him.

"Alright so we should get going, it's almost nine and Jackson's beach house is like 30 minutes away."

"Oh yeah, let me just change and we can go," she says getting up.

"What do you mean change? That's not what you're wearing?" I ask confused, what she is wearing is more than perfect, those jeans make her ass look great!

"It's a party Gavin I can't wear this!"

"Why not? Yes you can come on!"

"Nope! I spent all afternoon finding the right outfit and I intend to wear it!"

And with that I am left alone sitting on her bed. It has been a while since I've been alone in her room, when I'm over at her place we usually have the house to ourselves and we just stay in the living room, but I like her room.

It is a perfect representation of her, she doesn't have band posters up or cliche decorative pictures of places they want to travel one day like Paris, no that isn't Madison. All she has up are pictures of her favorite memories, some twinkling lights that cover two of her walls and sunflowers, they are everywhere! I remember all of the phases she went through growing up, her princess phase when she was five, her Disney phase all through elementary and a little of middle school, her One Direction phase was probably the worst. Her walls were covered in band posters and she used to make me listen to them constantly when we hung out she also dragged me to a few concerts but I made her swear never to speak about that ever again.

She isn't really going through a phase now, she is just Madison, not following any trends, not collecting memorabilia, just doing what she loves and focusing what's important in her life I guess.

I lay down on her bed and look up at her ceiling, I send Jackson a quick text letting him know I'm on my way I feel bad for not leaving sooner to help him set up but there was no way I was missing dinner. I hear the door of the bathroom open and tiny footsteps approach the room. I lift only my head off the bed but when I see her I quickly sit up...FUCK!

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