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Dearest Oli,

Happy Birthday!

I have a crap load of assignments and here I am writing to you.

We have never met and probably never will (this is so sad) but allow me to be clichè and say that I feel like I know you (You may now roll your eyes).

You've written about all the wonderful things that I love like Latin, etymology, language, art, mythology, science and all the strange things in the world (:

You have taken the courage to share your deepest feelings with us through your words with stories and poetry. Every word is beautiful. They show all your ideas, opinions and emotion; all the struggles you've faced. Every book and poem is a reflection of who you are, the essence of your character. It is a character that all of us have grown to love like a friend.

I like the fact that you're not afraid to admit that you have flaws and that you make mistakes. Just like all of us do. Real people make real mistakes. Your characters are created in the same way. Real people with flaws and struggles who learn to better themselves.

I am in awe of your imagination, intelligence and creativity. You make us laugh and smile every time we read your work or even your comments and sidenotes. Especially the one where you said your little sister has a crush on the green Teletubby because he reminds her of an Irish unicorn. ( guess where?)

The parts of your life that are personal have sometimes made us laugh and sometimes heartbroken for you. There have been times when I even cried and wished that I could just give you a freaking hug and squeeze all the sadness out of you. But like you said, you have scars. I will never know the severity of your troubles but I do know that you've overcome them. And you're strong because of it. So don't look at the scars as reminders of horrid times but as trophies of a battle. Wear it like the warrior we know you are. ( sorry for the cheesiness. I'm not Italian but I put cheese on everything too (; Reference anyone? )

I do, however, understand domestic violence and suicidal thoughts. Maybe that's why you and I constantly search for the answers of the mysterious complexities of the world. To discover things, learn and find love. It motivates us to live another day. Your words have shocked us, made us question things and have aroused our senses (not that kind of arouse, don't be dirty, Oli). I think that's what artists do. You're a phenomenal writer. I even remember laughing out loud while reading your words and got weird looks from strangers or family. Sometimes from my parents who thought I have a "secret boyfriend " *facepalm*.

I've never seen you so I can't say that I like you for your eyes or smile or the way you laugh. But those things aren't important anyway. I know your words. I love them and I love you. Just for being an amazing, kind, sweet soul.

For your birthday, I give you a giant hug and a whole lot of love. And a virtual birthday cake... I pretended that I baked it so you can pretend that you ate it.

I hope that you have the best day. Have fun, smile, laugh and stuff your face with food (don't forget the cake I made you). My prayer is that God blesses you with many more years of a wonderful life. That you have peace, joy and love through all your days. May all your heart's desires be met and may you always be happy.

I know that you like hidden messages and cryptic shit so I kind of wrote one for you...

When I was 12 my mum used to read my diary all the time and I hated it. So I created this strange system of writing. Letters that represent other letters. She couldn't understand crap afterwards lol.

So I wrote a message for you in that language. I even wrote a riddle so you can find the system. It's really freaking silly but hey, it's your birthday. You deserve to laugh.

Be prepared to laugh at my ridiculousness and cringe if you must :

Qrne Byv

Unccl oveguqnl. Gunax lbh sbe orvat nznmvat. Jr ybir lbh.

Sebz lbhe sevraqf
Puevffl naq gur Fvaaref

Here's the embarrassing part(covers face) :

Two sets of 13 , columned side by side
26 symbols of sound, together abide.

Two minus two may equal to none
But 1 equals 14 and 14 equals 1.

Appears as a random arrangement or some sort of strange mix
But 26 equals 13 and 13 equals 26.

Let's get sillier
If "A" is for nap and "N " is for App
Then "Z" is for map and "M" is for zap

Even though it's freaking stupid, I'm sharing my childhood cryptic language with you for fun so that you can be happy. Feel free to laugh at my idiocy. *covers face*

I leave you with a Bible verse:

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future" - Jeremiah 29: 11 I hope you find hope and future that God has planned for you. All the love.

With love,
Chrissy Row



25) "we are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down but not destroyed." 2 corinthians 4 : 8

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