13. So, that was what it was

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Sana was with her Chinese teacher learning Chinese proverbs. She could now converse well in Chinese. But she still didn't know what the word "love" is in Chinese.

'Sensei, how is "I love you" said in Chinese?' Sana asked out of the blue.

Her surprised teacher said, 'wǒ ài nǐ.'

'Wǔ èr líng.'

'No no. You pronounced it wrong. It's wǒ ài nǐ. If you pronounce it as wǔ èr líng, people might mistake that you are saying 520. The pronunciation is quite similar. So Chinese people sometimes use 520 to express their love,' the teacher clarified.

Sana nodded with her lips forming an 'o'. She noted down both the expressions so that she wouldn't get confused later.

After the class, Sana was revising her notes and wondering why wǔ èr líng sounded like it was something very familiar to her. Then it slowly hit upon her.


5:20 a.m.

Tzuyu texted her every 5:20 a.m.

'Could it be what I'm thinking?' she wondered and became excited at the prospect of the mad idea.

She decided to tease and provoke Tzuyu the next time they chat.

The following morning Tzuyu woke up before her alarm rang. She fumbled for her phone and checked the time. It was 4:03. She was still so sleepy but she forced herself to stay awake to text Sana at 4:20. She was afraid that if she took another short nap she might not be woken up even by the alarm's ring.

Tzuyu: Gidjj normin beh

Sana: What?😂😂😂

Sana had been waiting for Tzuyu to text. She replied immediately as soon as she read her text.

Tzuyu slapped her own face to wake up and rewrote her message.

Tzuyu: I meant good morning, beautiful.

Sana: Hehe, still sleepy?

Tzuyu: Little bit

Sana: You can sleep. You don't have to text me.

Tzuyu: It's okay. I want to talk to you.

Sana: You have no obligations to talk to me. You can go back to sleep if you are sleepy.

Tzuyu: No. I can't sleep. I have to start my day. I will miss you at work if we don't talk now.

Sana: Really? Then you should be wide awake. I was sleepy earlier this morning. I did something to woke myself up.

Tzuyu: What did you do?

Sana: I took a hot bath. It was so good. The hot water was trickling down my whole body, from head down to my neck, breasts, tummy, thighs and down my legs. I mean, it woke up my whole body and senses. Try it.

Sana was intentionally giving graphical description to provoke Tzuyu. It was working. Tzuyu was wide awake and rereading Sana's text again and again. In fact she forgot to reply.

Sana: Chou Tzuyu are you still there? Are you sleeping?

Tzuyu: No, I am not sleeping. I am wide awake.

Sana: Really? Why are you so slow then? Try it. I feel so refreshed. My skin feels so good. I still haven't dressed.

Tzuyu: You are naked?

Sana: Almost. I have my towel on. I'm applying lotion against my smooth skin.

Tzuyu: Ohh... I bet you look sexy😅

The crazy things we do for love (Completed| Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now