15. They met

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Note: Please consider the words typed in italics as spoken in Chinese and regular font as spoken in Japanese.

'DAO MING SI, COME HERE!' Tzuyu shouted.

Dao Ming Si was standing just outside her bedroom. There was no need to shout so loud. Judging by the volume of the call, Dao Ming Si dashed in as if his life depended on it.

'Miss Chou!?'

'Get me twenty armed men. Now!'

'Huh? What's wrong?'

'We are going to japan.'


'I will tell you on the way. Get the job done.'

Dao Ming Si obediently made a call to get the men. Meanwhile Tzuyu made another call and fixed a private flight to Japan.

'Where in Japan?' Dao Ming Si asked.

Tzuyu realised that she didn't know where the wedding was being held. All she knew was that it was a church. So she made another call.

'Hello, dad? I have something urgent. I need to trace a number. The phone is off right now but I need to know it's last location where it was turned off.'

Equipped with armed bodyguards and the address of the church Sana was in, Tzuyu boarded the plane for a visit to Osaka. On the way, she clarified the situation to Dao Ming Si. Besides the mistress and bodyguard relationship, they were good friends.

'So, we are going to stop her wedding?' Dao Ming Si wanted to confirm.

'Yes. You must shout "Stop this wedding right now".'

'Why must I shout? Aren't you the one who is in love with the bride.'

Tzuyu smacked his head, 'Your voice is louder and much scarier. You will shout it. Understand?'

'Yes, miss Chou. Sorry for asking a lot of questions. I have never done something like this. It makes me nervous.'

'Alright alright. Now, repeat after me...'

Dao Ming Si didn't speak Japanese. For the next half hour, Tzuyu gave him a language tutorial on how to say "Stop this wedding right now," in Japanese in correct pronunciation.

'Next you have to say "I want to talk to the bride in privacy".'

'I have to speak more Japanese?'

'Yes. Now concentrate,' Tzuyu said.

Dao Ming Si concentrated once again on learning the new phrase.

'And the third and last phrase is "No question". They will have lots of questions so you answer that whenever they ask you something.'

'Got it,' said Dao Ming Si with a forced determination.

'Once Sana agrees to talk, I will do the talking. OK? Are we ready?' Tzuyu asked and her bodyguard nodded.

Tzuyu didn't wanna regret. She didn't wanna easily lose Sana without trying, without ever confessing. She was introverted, she was reserved. It wasn't easy for her to tell anyone how she felt, much less confess to a woman who was getting married. She was always so afraid of disclosing her true feelings to Sana. But, not today. The fear of losing her without trying was so big that it gave her courage. And with this newfound courage, she was flying to Osaka to confront her ladylove in pajamas and slippers. Oh, the crazy things we do for love!

The crazy things we do for love (Completed| Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now