Chapter 3

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*Brendon's POV*

I woke up, tired and head slightly throbbing. Proping myself up on my elbows got me dizzy. Slowly turing on my back I looked to my left to see Dallon sleeping soundly. Oh, Dallon I though.

...Wait, Dallon? In bed? With me?! WHAT?! my eyes no longer sleepy, shot open to get a better look at what the big picture looked like. Me and him were sleeping dangerously close, his hand outstretched, holding my side. Panicking, as I looked down to see we were both in our boxers. Shit, I thought to myself. I was comfortable, and didn't want to move, but this was wrong. I was married. He was married. But why didn't I want to move?

Nah, your just too tired to move, convinced myself. Not the fact that I wanted to get closer to him and just wrap my arms around his body and- woah. Ok, maybe I wasn't really that straight.

I stopped fighting my instinct and wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer. I fit my face in his neck, I could hear him breathing softly. Yea, this was nice. Sleepily, he draped his arm around my side and we just kinda hugged. I fell back asleep. But not before I woke up to the sound of screaming. From me? I thought. No, it was a lower scream. Oh, it was Dallon. He must have woken up to find himself holding his best friend extremely close in just his boxers. I causally thought up a lie in time for him to calm down.

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