Chapter 10

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*Dallons POV*

I woke up the next morning, slightly stuff and sore. Confused, I started to wonder why, but then I remembered. It was last night-or early this morning. I smiled as I thought about what happened.

Sarah was already awake, in the living room. I quietly tiptoed over to Brendon's room, to see him sprawled out on the bed. That's probably why Sarah left the room; because Brendon was taking up the whole bed.

Cautiously aware of Sarah, I kept quiet and didn't get on top of him, like I would have wanted to. I shook his shoulder, forcing him to wake up. Sleepily, he shoved my arm away.

"Hey, it's me. Get up, you dork," I whispered into his ear.

He slowly opened his eyes, and smiled.

He looked so perfect right now. He laid with his arms outstretched, same with his legs. And he was also still in just his boxers. I just wanted to close the door and get on his lap and-whoa. I was getting carried away. But I felt like my dreams for the next few nights would be of him. And me. Doing..stuff.

"Where's Sarah?" Brendon said, getting up. I pointed over into the living room and he nodded slowly. "Were we supposed to meet the guys back at the bus again? Or should we take off and go to the next concert location and just meet them there?"

"Uh, we can just meet them there, I guess," I said. I wanted to spend as much time as I could with Brendon. He probably did too.

We said our goodbyes, got in the car and left. Around halfway, Brendon got a call. Slowing down, he stopped and pulled over to answer.

"Hello?" he said. His amused playful face turned into a stone cold expression, a deadened look. His eyes were full of pain, and something else. He then nodded slowly and hung up, not long before he started crying.

"What? What happened?" I asked, concerned. he buried his head in my chest, hiding his face. But when he looked up, my heart broke. He looked so sad, his eyes, that fiery, cocky glow was gone. Extinguished.

" was about Spencer.." He said. I shuddered at the thought at anymore news. This was too much. I knew this was too much for Brendon.

"He can't go, he can't leave, I need him, i can't be all alone.." He whimpered, shaking. I almost started crying, too. It tore me apart to see him like this."First him..I have no one left, I'm all alone..".

He had me, but I knew that's not what he meant. I knew he meant he was the last one. the last original. I had nothing to say, except trying to calm him down and get to the hospital as fast as we could. He just told me it was about Spencer, not the condition he was in, but i didn't want to know. I just know that he is too strong to give up. And Brendon knows it too.

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