2-The doctor is ready to kill you now

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Somewhere in the southern states, within the hours of dusk, a man in a white coat steps inside a small dilapidated building. Dragging behind him the unconscious body of a middle aged man he attacked not long ago. Making it past some of the ruined furniture, the stranger takes his unwilling guest to a door leading to the basement. Being somewhat careful to bring the slumbering man down the stairs.

Making it to the bottom, although dark, it appears the entire basement has been turned into a makeshift lab. Tables filled with surgical tools, a few caked in blood. Shelves stocked with jars containing what appear to be organs of various types. At the far end are several tables with only two other people inhabiting them, both covered in blood soaked tarps. Both greatly assumed to be victims just like the latest one being dragged in.

Reaching upward, the white coat wearing stranger grabs a dangling string and illuminates the room just a little more. Revealing the man to be dawning a set of doctor's apparel, along with a nametag pinned to the shirt pocket that says "Dr. Smiley". A minute or so later, he manages to bring the unconscious body to a vacant table. Letting out a tired sigh, he combs a bit of raven dark hair out of his piercing red eyes as he looks upon his next patient.

Smiley: "exhale" Alright then. Just need to sterilize the scalpels and we can get started.

Smiley makes his way past his other two victims and quickly comes to a stop, confused. He turns around and stares at the three patients and soon has a thought.

Smiley:... I thought I only had two.

Looking back to the bodies, ignoring the latest addition, Smiley glances at the closest one and reaches for the tarp. Lifting up the cover, he sees his handy work on the last patient he worked on. A woman with her abdomen cut open from neck to belly button, the heart and liver surgically removed. A look of absolute anguish forever plastered on her face from the operation.

Lowering the tarp, Smiley moves on to the next. Grabbing the cover, he lifts it up and simply sees you with a sawed off pointing at him.

(Y/n): Peekaboo.

You empty both barrels into his chest as the blast sends him flying back, crashing into a nearby cart and sending scalpels scattering across the concrete floor before finally hitting the ground himself. Blood slowly pooling around him.

You hop off the table and walk over to the fresh corpse, loading two new shells into your shotty. As you make your way towards Smiley, the medical bastard suddenly jumps up with a needle filled with strange blue liquid and jabs you in the leg. The contents seem to take effect immediately as you try to take aim only to lose feeling in your fingers. And arms. And teeth. Pretty much everything is going numb as you slowly start to lose consciousness. Your shotgun clattering on the floor as you lose your grip.

Your legs finally give out on you as you fall to your hands and knees, barely able to to keep yourself awake. Which somewhat impresses Smiley as you remain awake.

He wipes some blood from his mouth as he breathes heavily, on account you shot him in the chest not ten seconds ago. Proving that he is definitely not human.

Smiley: "cough" Clever one, aren't you?

He makes his way around you, albeit with a limp, and walks over to a nearby table. Placing both hands on it to keep himself steady.

Smiley: While "grunt" While you might have collapsed one of my lungs and pretty much sealed your fate, the fact that you're even "cough" still awake from that much dosage is quite phenomenal. I might actually keep you around longer than my usual patients just to see how you function.

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