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"One for you, Wand for me"

She ran down the crowded streets of Diagon Alley.

Serenity had found herself in the unusual predicament of being dragged by her hyperactive sister. As owls flew over their heads and rats scurried away from cats- closely followed by their bickering owners- Serenity was muttering constant apologies to everyone she accidentally ran into. Behind the two girls, was Christian Rier. He was doing his best to keep up with them despite the bag in his hand barging against every other witch or wizard.

"Girls! Don't run off!" It was too late, however, as a large crowd exited Flourish and Blotts blocking his view. Huffing, he spun around on the spot in an attempt to get a better view, uttering an apology as he steadied a young boy he'd accidentally hit with his bag. "I am so sorry!" He rushed, attempted to aid the boy while his mother continuously scowled and pushed him away. "Sorry!" He called after them, sighing as they proceeded to walk away.

"Chris?" Spinning at the sound of his name, he wondered if there was another Chris around... or perhaps he was finally losing his mind. "Chris'chun Rier!" Snapping his head around so fast he was sure he'd give himself whiplash, Christian recognised to tall, hairy half-giant called Hagrid. Smiling, Christian pushed his way to the side of the crowd trying to look around for his daughters. "Yer look lost, Chris." Nodding absentmindedly, he continues to stand on his toes.

"I don't suppose you can see my girls, can you? Both brunette, one dragging the other?"

"'Citable?" Christian nods enthusiastically causing Hagrid to laugh jovially. "Yeah! They're 'eaded into Ollivander's." Laughing slightly, he finally looks up at the half-giant. Frowning, he motions to his chin.

"You shaved?" Hagrid rubs his bare chin with a nod.

"Fel' like I was competin' with Dumbledore yer know?" With an 'ah', Christian nods and they begin walking through the crowd.

Like magic, the sea of people parted for the large man.

"So what are you up to now, Rubeus? We've been out of Hogwarts for twenty years now and I know you must have struggled when you were expelled." Hagrid nods and smiles kindly.

"Dumbledore took me on as Game Keeper fer 'ogwarts. He's a good man, Dumbledore." Christian nodded in agreement.

"And a great wizard too." With a happy laugh, the two men stop outside Ollivanders.

"And wha' about you? What are yer up to these days?" Pocketing his hands as well as he could with a bag on his wrist, Christian rocked on his heels and looked through the window at the two girls marvelling at the wands as the wandmaker smiled from behind the counter.

"I'm a full-time dad and also a Wizengamot official." With a wry smile, he scratches the back of his neck and waves through the window as the girls noticed him and made their way outside. The two of them skipped up to him and he threw his free arm around Serenity's shoulders. "Girls, this is an old school friend of mine, Rubeus Hagrid. This is Serenity, she's off to Hogwarts this year." Offering the large man a small smile, Serenity nods trying to hide her slight intimidation.

"Ye'll love it!" The man bellowed, causing her to flinch slightly, whereas Merritt just grinned and bounced up to Hagrid, tugging at his long shaggy coat. "'Ello!"

"Hi! I'm Merritt and I'm going to Hogwarts next year." Hagrid smiled and looked between the girls.

"Both of yer will love it, I'm sure!"

"Oh, I know I will!" Merritt chirped. "Auntie Irene told me so many stories and I can't wait to go. Is the Whomping Willow still there? I want to see it! Our cousins Erin and Dexter will be coming too. Dexter only just, though because his birthday's really late. But the twins- their names are Cormac and Winston- won't be at Hogwarts for another three years! They're so little, it's adorable. They can control things really well because their hands are really small and they can't pick anything up; that's because their dad was a really mean man-"

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