The Old Pocketwatch ⏱Part 2

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"Well well well, if it isn't Baby Briefs Billy! Don't I bully you in the afternoon, baby!!" Max cackled

" Not today Max, today the underwear is on the other foot!" Billy laughed

"That didn't even make sense baby!" Max laughed


Max was frozen in place with his mouth open from laughing.

"Payback time bitch!" Billy said

Billy dropped his book bag on the floor and pulled out some little boy underroos briefs.

Billy straightened Max so he was standing straight up. Billy then pantsed Max which in itself was satisfying from all the countless times Max embarrassed Billy in front of lunch everyday.

Max was wearing some nice red Calvin Klein boxer shorts.

"No big boy underwear for little boys" Billy laughed as he yanked down Max's underwear as well.

Max's 4inch penis and balls exposed for all too see, but with time being frozen and all the fun was all just for Billy.

"I should just leave you like this you dick, but I think you deserve way worse". Billy said

Billy took out his phone and snapped a photo of Max's exposed area.

"A little blackmail never hurt no one" Billy laughed

As Billy knocked over Max so he fell ass on the floor, Billy was thinking on why it was so easy to move Tom's arm was one thing and Max's clothes too, but he just knocked over a 200lbs bully like it was nothing. As Billy was finishing pulling up the super man underroos, he figured that it really didn't matter, he had the power and he was going to do what ever he wanted to do.

Billy pulled Max off the ground and had him in a pose that looked like he had pantsed himself, a sort of using the woods as the restroom kinda pose.

Billy then for safety reasons took a couple steps to the side so he was still talking to Max but he was in view for the whole hallway.

"Sweet Revenge" Billy said as he clicked the button on the pocket watch.


"Hahahah you're such a....What the hell!?" Max yelled

It took Max about 5 seconds to realize what he was doing or even to see what he was doing.

The thing was that underroos are meant for small kids, not big kids like Max. So though the little kids underwear fit him they didn't exactly show off him. The underroos were wedged up into his ass so it looked like he had a wedgie from the back, and the front had one ball flashing out the side.

Kids began to take notice,

"What is he doing?"
"Are those underroos?"
"OMG What are you five?"
"Looks like he has a wedgie!"
"Look his ball is falling out!"

Billy added his own comment as well, "Max calls me a baby all the time, but he just pantsed himself to show off his baby underroos for everyone, I think we know who the real baby is?"

"Baby Max"
"Baby Max"
"Baby Max"

The kids all started chanting and taunting Max, it was just perfect.

"Shut up, So what I pantsed myself, and I don't always wear underroos!" Max proclaimed

"Does Daddy let you wear diapers too"?" someone sneered

Max didn't answer but instead pull up his pants and ran as far away as he could.

"Could this day get any better?" Billy said as he tucked the pocket watch into his pants pocket.

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