Magic Spells 🔮Part 4

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The amount of magic to have used to have the school be accepting of Colten's self pantsing doesn't compare to the magic Trevor had to cast on the entire city to not have Colten's choice affect him in the way of getting arrested.

Isaac: Really wearing yourself out aren't you?
Trevor: God...huff have no idea.

Isaac is one of Trevor's good friends at school, another spell caster but not as powerful as Trevor.

Isaac: You're gonna burn yourself out and then what are you gonna do when you have no magic?

Trevor: Magic doesn't just stop working Isaac, but you're right I need to chill out for a little while.

Isaac: The amount of jinxes and hexes you have been doing, it won't make them as powerful.

Trevor: I know.

Though Trevor is more powerful than Isaac, Isaac has a more strategic and logical way of using magic to not drain himself and to be more cautious .

Isaac: Why didn't you just put a viewing hex on Colten, so anyone who looked at him at that state would not think about it?

Trevor: Because then people wouldn't react in humiliating him, but just turn a blind eye.

Isaac: Not if you had done an emotions jinx to have their reactions be the same.

Trevor: A jinx and a hex together? That's super draining!

Isaac: Not compared to the large mass area hex that you placed on the whole city, that kind of magic is keeping the magic locked in a location. As for my idea keeps the magic in one location (on Colten) and doesn't interfere with others suspicion.

Trevor: Okay Okay Maybe you're right. It was a quick in the moment decision. 

Isaac: This little crush thing you have with Colten is really getting out of hand.

Trevor: What?

Isaac: Oh come off it man, I know you like seeing Colten being humiliated...

Trevor: Yeah because he's a bully and he deserves it!

Isaac: but why not anybody else? The Sabumd twins are bullies too and you don't seem to keen to "fix" them.


Isaac: Exactly see! You like picking on one jock, you no better than the bullies.

Trevor: Who's side are you on? I'm trying to teach bullies a lesson!

Isaac: More like Bully! You aren't helping anybody but yourself. I'm not saying you aren't doing what's right, but don't proclaim yourself as the "bully blaster"...

Trevor: Never called myself that.

Isaac: Whatever. Just don't say you will be stopping bullying if you are only keeping down one bully.

Trevor thought about what Isaac said, he was right it wasn't a duty he wanted but it was the path he chose and the magic he learned to help the other bullied students.

Trevor: You're right Isaac! I need to start putting my energy towards other bullies, I think I'll take care of the sabumd twins right now!

Without a second thought Trevor ran towards the school and heard Isaac yell something, but had to much adrenaline to stop and hear what Isaac said.

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