Chapter 1: Welcome To Silent Hill

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"I'm telling you babe, once we put up a video of this place on our vlog, we are going to make it big!" Damien said to his fiancé in the passenger seat, as he drove down the road. "We are going to be the next internet sensation. Nobody has filmed this place yet, even with the stories that there is a fire that has been burning underground for years."

"What makes you so sure that this video is going to be the one, none of our other videos have broken fifteen hundred views yet?" asked Natalie as she brushed her jet black hair out of her face and took a drink of her diet soda.

"Just trust me on this, please... I have a good feeling about this one."

"You always have a good feeling about everything you want to film."

The truck slowed to a stop as it pulled onto the shoulder of the road. "Babe, we're already here so we might as well record it," he said as he leaned into the back seat rummaging around for his camera bag. After finding the bag he unzipped it and held the camera out in his hand for her to take.

"Fine!" she said snatching the video camera from his hand. She pressed the power button and it beeped a couple of times as it powered on. "But just know I'm only doing this because I love you... And there better be a hot tub at the hotel."

"I love you to babe," he said with a smile on his face as he hopped out of the truck. Damien quickly began pulling his jacket on as he made his way over to the other side of the vehicle, leaving footprints behind in the fresh snow. As he approached the passenger door Natalie hopped out already, wearing her fluffy white jacket with a fur lined hood, the cuff of her blue jeans pulled over her black boots.

"Let's just make this fast, its cold out here."

"Okay, okay. Let me just get situated over here by the sign. How do I look?"

"You look great, are you ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ready," he said as he pulled at the bottom of his black jacket straightening it out. "Wait, how's the lighting look? Are the trucks headlights good or should I turn on the brights?"

"No it's perfect."

"Okay, ready when you are," he said, kicking some snow off his tan hiking boots.

"Action," Natalie said, pushing the record button. The camera let out one beep letting her know it had started recording. She had the camera focused on Damien as he gave his intro to their newest video.

"Welcome back for another episode of Traveling Today. In this episode we will be exploring the mysterious town of..." gesturing towards the road sign next to him that read, Welcome To Silent Hill, "...Silent Hill." As he gestured to the sign Natalie zoomed the camera out to fit Damien and the sign on the screen. The lights from the truck were just right, catching the glistening snowflakes as they fell in front of the green Welcome To Silent Hill sign, a nice shine to Damien's blonde hair and just enough light to glimpse a forest behind everything.

Natalie pushed the record button again, the camera beeped twice letting her know it had stopped recording.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road," Damien said climbing back into the truck. After Natalie had settled herself into the passenger seat and closed the door Damien put the truck in drive and began driving down the road into the town of Silent Hill. The windshield wipers were going back and forth making a swooshing sound as they pushed the snow off the window. The snow was really starting to come down hard causing Damien to drive slow as he couldn't even see fifty feet in front of him. "So we'll go to the hotel and get some sleep then tomorrow we can explore and get some video footage for the vlog."

"Is it just me or has it gotten a lot colder since we reached Silent Hill?" Damien asked while reaching down to turn the heater up.

"Look out!" Natalie yelled shrinking back into her seat with her hands out in front of her, bracing for impact. Damien looked up from the heater controls just in time to hear a loud thump sound and something black covering the window. He smashed the brake pedal down instantly, the truck sliding to a stop in the middle of the road.

"Oh my god, we just killed someone!" Natalie said realizing that the black thing covering the window was a jacket.

Damien looked over at his terrified fiancé, "Are you okay?" he asked, but she just sat there visibly shaken. He opened the truck door and hopped out to check on the person they had just hit. Natalie just stared at him through the open door as he made his way to the front of the vehicle. Once he reached the front she could no longer see him due to the jacket covering the windshield, but she could hear him. "Haha!" he laughed out loud as he pulled the black jacket from the window, revealing a head sitting on the hood of the truck, a head with two beady black eyes peering into the truck at Natalie, a top hat still resting on top and a long orange nose jutting out of its face. "We killed Frosty!" he exclaimed before pushing it off the hood.

Still in shock and bewilderment, "But... but who would build a snowman in the middle of the road?"

"It's probably just some local kids that thought it would be funny." Quickly jumping back in the truck, he stuck his hands in front of the heater to warm them up before taking off down the road again.

It wasn't much later when they entered the town, passing the houses on the outskirts. Visibility was still very low, but the rainbow glow from Christmas lights on some of the houses slightly helped. They could make out spots where kids had made snow angels on their front lawns, some yards had snowmen and one even had an igloo. They continued on, eventually reaching the hotel, a bright neon sign that read Silent Hill Inn stood out near the road. Underneath the sign was a flickering vacancy sign.

Damien happened to notice there weren't a whole lot of vehicles in the parking lot as he pulled in to park. He glanced at the clock on the dashboard before turning the truck off noticing that it was nearly eight o'clock. They both opened their doors at the same time and climbed out, closing the doors behind them. Damien opened the back door and reached in pulling out a sizeable suit case which contained both of their clothes and accessories. After closing the door he pressed the lock button on his key fob and the truck honked, letting him know it had been locked. Damien wheeled the suit case behind him leaving two parallel lines through the snow as Natalie walked beside him. Approaching the hotel entry the doors slid open as the sensors noticed them.

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